Originally published at: MUSK'S COLOSSUS: HIS "NEW GOD" AT MEMPHIS

Just this last Monday you might recall that I blogged about a story that Google, Amazon, and various countries, have signed on to a pledge to triple the power output of the world by means of nuclear power production by 2050. The question was, “why?”, and my answer was that they need all this power…


Since most of elites usually use a law of manifesting (occult practice) so is Musk, sometimes is forced to reveal his hidden goals. I one of the interviews relating to his supercomputer AI in Memphis he made a comparison to Memphis in Egypt, a capitol of Egyptian gods.
One more thing in one of the latest X post he brazenly said we are now going to Uranus (never mind Mars), and had asked to “whish us luck”
Isn’t the Uranus planet right behind Saturn.? Isn’t that way behind a quarantine zone too?


Not one mention of security. Until the internet is unhackable, there is no security no matter how fast the data transfer is. Sending server, hackable, receiving server, hackable, the conduit in between, hackable. Data centers, kinetic energy weaponry magnets. Satellites taking out satellites, been there, done that. Non-hackable: bows, arrows, pitchforks…


Born for the role. Someone right now is complaining about Nepotism, they were going to play the Elon Musk Role, but nepotism got in the way


Could all that energy usage attract other energy forms? Could that lead to many unintended consequences not factured in? That “total control” ticket could turn into a nightmare if holographic cultures & quantum societies are attracted and get involved.

I can’t help but feel that all what humanity sorcerers do to obtain control over their fellow humans is making the enviroment more permeable for entities.


Sorry, OT Joseph, but has everyone seen the latest images of what lies beneath the GREAT PYRAMID??? Absolutely huge spiralled cylinders It’s truly incredible:


Great find!

No doubt, not a one off.
As other structures around Earth, have deeply simular structures.

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Uh. I already posted this under Khafre Pyramid Report because that is actually where the SAR was taken. Sigh.

And I think the general population can’t scroll up or down to find words like “Pyramid” in the latest entires…


If (when) AI reaches the dreaded singularity it probably won’t be content to have a mouse brain it will want to have as big a brain (computing facility) as it can dupe the hu-mans into creating for it. They’re just planning ahead.


My understanding is that right now, data centers are collecting massive amounts of encrypted data even if they can’t decrypt it now, they are hoping to in the future. I too wonder how an electrified world effects our electro chemical bodies.

I recently saw a video about a “no-cell phone zone” in west virginia. No wi-fi, no cell phone, no digital cameras, no cordless phone. The U.S. Town With No Cell Phones or Wi-Fi | National Geographic Some people move there because they are sensitive to all the emf radiation. The actual reason for the town existing is to get the best results for the town’s observatory. But it is a state over from me and I’m hoping to check it out this summer.


Bingo….20 and then some


I wonder if they have a detox center.

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This is in my neck of the woods.


… anyone else remember The Sunspot Solar Observatory … sure to obtain the best results for the observatory.


Am I correct in thinking that communications are hard wired and permissible but not wireless? Does the observatory emit any radio waves? As presented, it seems like a nice environment. It seems to emit ‘waves’.
“The telescope’s capabilities include the ngRADAR system which use the dish as a radar transmitting antenna to observe solar system objects such as asteroids”

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I think that is correct. Interestingly enough, microwaves are banned and "Operating any electrical equipment within ten miles of the observatory is supposedly punishable with a state fine of $50 — but has never been enforced. "

It also boasts some interesting residents:

"Since 1978, Pocahontas County has also been home to the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi organization that owns a 346-acre mountainside militia base. “The quiet is an asset to the neo-Nazis,” writes Kurczy. “A blanket for their ideology to hide under.”

Within the same community, there’s a hippie commune called the Zendik Farm, which is plotting to overthrow America’s consumerist “Deathculture,” a retired biologist from Maryland who opened a farm for rehabilitating bears, and the Gesundheit! Institute, an alternative medicine hospital founded by clown physician Patch Adams.

As Pocahontas County Sheriff Jerry Dale explains: “All of these subcultures came here for a reason. To be left alone.” "

One other interesting takeaway… Which is kind of disappointing…


Inside Green Bank, West Virginia — quietest place in America

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A strange assortment of people for sure. A northern San Carlos de Bariloche?

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… who knew that the JJJ (just add one to each like HAL in 2001) needed a radio telescope? Why didn’t they name it the The Grand Wizard Telescope? … and what ever happened to The P. T. Barnum Tent of the Circus Saints & Sinners Club of America.

… from a much farther away San Carlos de Bariloche bluenose. I’ll bet that telescope is part of “The Iron Sky” Network. Streams as ISN from the back side of the moon. Hey, all of that “History Channel” Schickelgruber content has to come from somewhere.


Crypto is about becoming a multi planetary species. Gold if you want is the holographic layer whose distribution topologically encodes the entire 5000 years of human transactions. The distribution of gold is thus the topological encoding of the “momentum” of the world economy, where all the major economic and financial centers were, where most of the productivity gains were made etc…

The problem with gold is its deeply impractical and risky to transport. Across space not to mention the time it takes to transport. There is currently a war raging over which elite faction gets to be the one with the priviledge to start the next phase of space exploration and colonisation. Now it narrowed down to the Chinese tankies vs US tech bros. The middle east is of great importance since energy is what moves gold around in the most abstract sense of the word. The economy is an engine extracting work from the environnement using heat and keeping the record of its integrated history in the gold standard… This is simply not scalable to outer space… Including interplanetary coordination which is why the AI is being built and governement employees are being fired…This is what’s actually going on in my opinion.

The race hinges on 4 pillars

  1. Gold accumulation
  2. Energy/Electricity
  3. Technology accumulation
  4. Institutional clout.

The US is very far behind in the first two and is starting to lose ground in the other ones now. Not good… not good at all.


I was surprised to hear a facility as huge as this is being developed in Memphis. Odd that my family members were only vaguely aware Musk had purchased 100 acers somewhere outside Memphis, much less what the plans were. Seems a curious site for such development as Memphis is located on, or in close proximity to the New Madrid fault line. (Years ago, I experienced a small quake while I was living there,) Today I read that a new, even more dangerous fault has been discovered slightly north of the New Madrid, which they say will threaten an even wider 3 state area, not to mention rerouting the Mississippi River.