Originally published at:

When I received the following article from T.M., I opened it immediately because I thought it might contain an answer to a problem I’ve been having occasionally, and I suspect some readers of this website might have had from time to time. In my case it is a problem that has arisen only in the…


I am experiencing a chaos in my mind that comes out of nowhere, always in the living room while watching internet on the TV. Thought there is a spiritual component to the phenomena, I am the kind of person that needs to pray, all the time, very sensitive to people and my surroundings. This technological breakthrough adds another dimension to the phenomena. I am not crazy, this is external.

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Isn’t there a relation between the sun and function of pineal gland? Someone not to long ago posted a video with Lee Merritt that mentionned sun gazing to activate the pineal gland. It gave better eyesight next to “seeing” things that other people can’t / normally don’t.

With all scientific shenanigans going one I do believe they want us as blindsided as possible. Anyway, since my bedroom is situated where the sun comes up, you guessed it I sun gaze. It takes nothing more then opening a window and watch the sunrise.


Also I run 5 miles a day, in the caribbean sun. This seems to flush all that mind chaos and again, is not mine. Prayer also have a neutralizing effect, there is a spiritual component.


Maybe some will be interested in this interview between Mike Adams and Sarah Westall that covers the “voice of god” technology and much more…

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Doc, I am all for HOS, I exercise them here liberally myself, but maybe there is a simpler medical explanation to your “narcolepsy”,
and it’s called: melanopsin-melanocortin-POMC pathways in one’s brain.
They are being activated by red light of the morning first, and by the full spectrum light outside throughout the day.

That pathway activates brain and contributes greatly to general wellbeing, since it regulates a lot of neurotransmitters and hormones throughout the body.
The more time one is inside the more ill ones become, more time outside equals better health.

And yes, Gates and ones of his ilk are trying to separate us from greatest medicine of humans on this plane, SUN.


Experiment with shungite stone perhaps? It supposedly absorbs RF and other frequencies of energy.

Oh my!
I’ve experienced this increasingly these last years myself.
For me, it happens about 30 minutes after walking the dog, or some other light activity.
And it’s a different “zone out” than before, which of course can be linked to aging as well. But I do have the definite sense of this to be something else, and can very well be what Joseph is describing here.
I read yesterday that the trials of Neuralink’s tesiting has come so far that they are in the late testing of their second test object. And when they called it a " two-way control center" or something similar, I asked myself if not also the computers and smartphones most of us use today are “two-way control centers”. It’s not a(nother) coincidence they use blue lights, working at the frequency it does and that this just happens to be the effects a 1984 world order would love to have at their disposal.

I talked to someone who’s working for an advertising agency and I had to ask her why commercials who is not directed at the younger generations has become so extremely annoying, as to how they used to be, just plain dumb.
She told me this is because they have reached the same conclusion, that people are in a zombie(fied) state and in order to make people remember commercials now, you need to either make them laugh or annoy them to shake them out of this zzzzombie state and make them remember the product.
So if you have ever wondered what happened to the " Now, also I am using ----- for my ----" commercials, this is most probably the answer.

I know DARPA has been , and is on, the “Project Pandora” for the longest, and where they are today is anyones guess.
This started in 1965, the goal was to find out if one can control the human brain with electromagnetic pulses/ frequencies.
James Fallon, Phd in neuroscience says gene editing programs like " Crisper" is important tools in the future of mind control.
And that brings vaccines and food poisoning into the picture again as well.

In my opinion TPTB are trying to sever our connection to God. Some believe that our sun is a giant plasma being among all the other angelic plasma beings that make up the heavens.

Don’t talk back!


I wonder if the wish of mind control is going as projected in this DARPA video? They always present as if its around the corner, but I can’t help get the feeling God’s code in humanity isn’t that easy to crack. I think mostly humanity is seeing the fallout of these inhuman experimentations. I don’t think the making of that 100% predictable multifunctional super zombie is going all that well. That does not mean humanity should sit on there laurels and do nothing!

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I really wish I could share your optimism on this topic.
Sadly I believe there’s some patents in work, that has been in use for years already, that tells a different story.
Anthony Patch has been very much in the forefront following this case.

It’s a different level of scary if you ask me.

The end goal most probably one super-grid, with every person linked to an AI super computer a “mastermind” that manipulates the world and its individuals as it pleases.

And in this talk from “The World Economic Forum”, Nita Farahany from Duke University, says that the ear pods of today have sensors that can pick up brainwaves. And that in near future they’ll have technology that can better make use of those brainwaves.
Pretty funny reaction at 3:20, when she aks the audience enthusiastically : “So, is this a future that you are ready for?” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I am familiar with Anthony Patch work and followed him until he went completely dark behind a paywall. I have no doubts TPTB will pursue their dream and have numerous patents, and kill for other people’s patents, if they think it helps them achieve that goal. I am also sure TPTB will kill millions in order to obtain that goal.

I still don’t belief with all patents at their disposal they can create a 100% predictable multifunctional zombie they can use in the objective world to do all their bidding. Can they create something skulking about that cannot die? Can they “upload” something into a cloud and more? All that would not even surprise me, but that is still a far cry from a perfect controlable multifunctional slave.

I speculate that nutbar scientists running amok in a far flung history that happened before, certain parties learned a lesson due to that. I think humanity is risking that all 4 factions the good doctor mentionned in latest vidchat (good & bad) see eye to eye, and agree this needs prevention. That prevention in itself could mean annihilation of humanity and in the mean time what abominations will they unleash upon the world?

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I’m not sure what you mean by “perfect controllable multifunctional slave”, but if you mean that the individual has no free will of it’s own I don’t see how this is a problem now today.
You can attain this with old mind controlling methods such as MK Ultra.
I would also assume one can use frequencies to override the existing ones in peoples brains and in this way erase someones free will.
And a person without free will is in a way controllable slave in itself.

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Maybe your right and I underestimate technological possabilities. David A. Hughes is a good resource, here a interview with Sarah Westall on the subject.


@neru, Thank you. I haven’t listened to Sarah in a long time because I find her ads tedious, but I agree with her that this is one of her most important interviews.


Hello from Vancouver, Canada,

I found you from Solari also new member at C.A.F. site, I will be ordering a new book titled " The indoctrinated brain", by Dr. Michael Nehls basically what you and Fitts already talking about but…Dr. Nehls added that Lithium is being suppressed by Mr Global. If you find the time, please check out his interviews. I just found you and I am very fascinated by your discussions with Ms. Fitts, I downloaded all your conversations thus far. Please keep in good shape and be healthy as the Earth needs people like you more than ever. Good thoughts and prayers. Rowena


Ive listened to this one, it was absolutely a good one.

I recommend reading the book of Dr Delgado as well.
His book “Physical control of the mind ( Toward a psycho civilized society)”
The man who invented the " Stemceiver" , which made him able to control bulls and monkeys officially, but I would assume human beings as well. with electromagnetic frequencies as early as the 50s I believe.
He was rumored to be a scientist. working on CIA’s “MK Ultra”.
The chapter “Electrical activation of the will” speaks volumes of what was possible already back then. (Book released 1969)

Norbert Wiener’s book “Cybernetics-Or control and communication in the animal and the machine” is another recommended title on the subject.
It was released in 1948 already.

Dr Rauni Kilde has long claimed that microchips have been in full operation for decades. She says this started with astronauts to “read their minds” in outer space.

She means the chip in peoples brains gives a signal at 27 hz.
In 1970 they were 1cm in size, some decade later the size of a grain of rice and still possible to remove.
Now its nano and you can’t find it , much less remove it.
According to her work, it can make a man become a criminal by just beaming a frequency towards peoples heads.
I really recommend this terrific interview with her:

A company called “Brane interface” (not “brain”), is working to create a computer interface that reads peoples thoughts.
For this they use Graphene.( theres that “miracle material” again).
And with graphene in smart phones and computers maybe, nanoparticle size chips that can be spread by chemtrails for that matter, and you have a mind reading scenario every dictatorship dreams of.

I just think that if Dr Delgado was sure he could totally control a persons will in the late1960’s, I don’t even want to think of where that leaves us today.


Welcome to giza land.

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Welcome to the community Sir(ene).