Navy Scientist: “A Cosmic War Is Happening…”

This is a very interesting podcast.


Oh shiat, he brings up Dr. Joseph P. Farrell’s name and Walter Bosley at the 1 hr 42 minute mark about NYMZA and brings up Dr. Farrell’s name again a few minutes later. I’m still watching this, so I’m almost done with this video. Gawd…I really would love to see Dr. Farrell get together on a podcast and talk with Salvatore Pais.


I think the man could be right. What I find painfull is that self appointed aristocratic humans are also using plasmic circuitry via electromagnetic nebular filaments on unsuspecting fellow humans worldwide! The brainwashing it produced has led to wholesale slaughter in big parts of the world. Will that slaughter become worldwide? When will enought eyes open and or is the blindsiding too forcefull for us to defend against.


In-CREDIBLE interview. Thank you so much for posting it. They made it completely comprehendible to physics dummies, like me. Thought provoking for the rest of the day… (I have been studying these principles for a long time, studied a bit of remote viewing, didn’t miss a moment of the SSP one and two, and this was truly mind bending. Kudos to all three for making it available for us all to ponder.)


Says nothing can goes fater than light.[PERIOD!]

will pause here as at…
52:13 clicks in. No FTL travel possible!
Up till then it was extremely interesting.
But, to stick like glue to Eistein’s speed limit?
Cui Bono?


Maybe you should not hang up the listen. Ways around that?

I “paused” >
I’ll return; as I’ve already determined there’s several “target[s]” they’re after.
I just wanted to score that obvious stop sign[FTL].
It tells me where to pick-up; to follow-the-bouncing-ball thought line[s].

Exactly my thoughts!
“They” have to know! Unless they’re “captured” in-toto.
And that, prejudiced my viewing “experience”.

An impressive interview. All the participants extremely knowledgeable on the physics aspects of UFO WOO. It was interesting to see them bounce up against what was obviously the boundary of classified info in the subject and pull back to an unclassified level. Not sure exactly what to think of Pais. He’s very smart and seems very well educated. But seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t fit in well within the methodical staid engineering community. That community typically consists of teams of people who grow from youth to retirement together working to perfect understanding of just a few ideas. Guys like Pais get hired, come onto the team, have too many good ideas…too many for the team to effectively pursue (a distraction from their primary task) get ostracized, and soon move on to another job. Later-on the team jokes among themselves…remember that crazy guy Pais?

I have the impression at this point in time that he’s a kind of limited hang-out. A guy who has knowledge, can speak well, and can be useful to the government to begin a dialog with the public that will absolutely continue to have boundaries, but is intended to lead to a kind of disclosure.


Seems a deliberate attempt about the disclosure topic is popping up on the Internet lately.
Greer was on Alex Jones the other day to discuss the urgency of disclosure plus plugging his $40 booklet on the topic.

Very well said. “Too many for them to actively pursue”, or perhaps they’re intimidated by the ideas. Academia doesn’t generally like people that think outside the box but rather creates cookie-cutter ego-driven conformists that show up on time and play well with others.

Seems like the whole world is running high on the Dunning-Kruger effect now.

If I didn’t have a wife and kids I’d be trying to hitch a ride a la Hitchhiker’s electronic thumb to
the nearest breakaway civilization’s passing spacecraft. The circus has lost its luster for me
and the carnies are out-breeding us…

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Yes! There is aways a Cosmic War going on!! We on this planet are finally awakening to that fact!! :rofl: It’s always about the Tug & Pull!!