Originally published at: NEED A PART-TIME JOB? TRY THE SPACE FORCE

Regular readers here know my blogging routine. Everyweek I look through all my emails as I receive them. Those I think are “bloggable” I immediately save into a folder for that purpose, and then on Sunday afternoons and evenings (usually) I sort through them all and pick out the ones that I think are the…


Regarding expert consultancies and contract work; this Reserve idea does make a bit of sense. Much of the space command work is communications / information management I suspect (it’s not just missiles/control of them). Satellite uplinks/downlinks, utility coms with the ‘bird’ etc. Of course there are going to be classified contracts in place to do much of this, using civilian engineers and technicians. The government totally relies on contractors to create and in many cases operate/maintain sophisticated computer systems. I suspect they would enjoy being able to have staff who have one foot in one world (civilian working on the operations/maintenance contract) and one in another (reserves, sitting in same desk in uniform once a month) in case of conflict so they may be called to fulltime active duty. In the aircraft maintenance world these are called Air Reserve Technicians. The ‘National Guard’ aspect makes less sense to me. IDK what assets/role could be distributed to local state-run organizations. MIB interventions perhaps (humor).


In my neck of the woods ( Central CT) I’ve been seeing for the last year little post signs of Space Force on the lawns of mega stores like Target or Walmart.
This was very odd since it is mostly in areas of distressed local economies.
What is also odd, the size and kind of demure scope of these ad posts, ( little card boards signs, resembling more of the local handy men for hire than “prized” branch of American military.
It almost gives you the impression that they want to be seen, but not talked about.

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For some reason I started to think about the new meme: Data Is the new oil.
Ironically, I just had a telemarketing scam call; so back to another…? Space scam?
Are “they’re” looking[two more interruptions. getting hard to kept the ephemeral thread together]
Or, I should frame it: Are “we” looking at a stacked operation?
Looking for employees?
Or; much, much more - in those applicants - and/or the manner in which the process is initiated?
[Responding, as I read].
I’m thinking; Do Cosmic War “survivors” have an inside track, on how to organize a space force?
Very important; to establish precedence, and/or seeds to harvest - in an intended future?
Is the unspeakable elephant in the room - to politicize the Space Force?
“From both sides of the political aisle…” [cheeks of a common arse/my words for bi-partisanship]

Whenever the USSA or NY Times or any media speak of a free press - it’s laughable.
I wonder how many really don’t buy this free press BS? A very high percentage?
Any government study; would show - otherwise, of course.

Yes. What to the Deep State policy makers know? The ones who keep the “real” secrets - secret?
A good recruiting slogan for the new part-time Space Force?
Is there a cannon fodder future for you?

And, How many of the recruits are citizens?
Citizens that have at least one month in country?
Maybe even able to say two English words: Thank-You.

A Mel Brooks Space Farce?

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If you understand that the SPACE they are enforcing is CYBERSPACE, this should all make sense. They are building and controlling the AI that will run the banking system/Treasury/data…


A friend of my cousin was a sub contracted NASA employee for years, eventually becoming a full time time NASA employee . When it comes to physics and mathematics he wasn’t what I would call the best and brightest. Subpar lower c average all the way through college. Not at all what you would think of when watching Apollo 13. If I wanted to skim from the budget in the spirit of Catherine Austin fitts. I would set up a structure where contractors are hired to bring in part time subpar employees. A large percentage of the contractors would be controlled working for the good guys, and would kick back their profits to their ever expanding war chest


… we can’t even get out of low Earth orbit and can barely hobble a couple of people to the ISS. Call me skeptical about any capability much beyond …


The current migrant-focused social unrest, seemingly orchestrated like a color revolution, has me questioning the potential role of Space Force in facilitating cyber-centric revolutions. This concern is particularly relevant given the ongoing developments in Chicago. Reflecting on past analyses, I recall a Russian report on the Apollo missions from the 1960s. The document suggested that the radiation density beyond low-earth orbit is so intense that any spacecraft would require a lead hull equivalent to 1 meter thick to protect occupants. Achieving escape velocity with such a heavily shielded craft via traditional chemical rocketry seems unlikely. This leads me to wonder: is propulsion through space for interplanetary or lunar travel necessarily dependent on conventional flight? In keeping with ancient documentation on the matter, I do wonder if we aren’t looking at some kind of portal or stargate scenario, and the propulsion methodology outside of the terrestrial plasma-sphere is not viable.


Anyone who has read any of my short outbursts know that I don’t believe the earth is a spinning ball at 17,000mph through a void nor do I believe that satellites are traveling at speeds to prevent “gravity” from pulling them down- but rather suspended from huge balloons and guided by onboard computers, much like the sonar-bouys that gather data in the ocean, primarily for current analysis (my brother developed them for WHOI/Navy and recently retired as a senior scientist). Also, if you have read my rants, you know I am 100% sure that absolutely NOTHING is as they tell you, whether it be from a University program, a media platform, or… well, fill in the blank. Pretty much everything.

All fiction. For sure there is no such human named Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris, most of the infrastructure of what we knew as a corporate government was collapsed under Trump as it was bankrupted into CYPBERSPACE (making the tie) and that is the whole reason for Space Force.

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There is a method in Trump’s advocacy of a Space Force National Guard branch. The National Guard is under the command of their respective state governors unless nationalized by the order of the president. This move would remove command over the Space Force National Guard from the Space Force Chief of Staff in Washington, D.C. (as is the Space Force Reserve.) Thus, command would be decentralized to the state’s governors unless the president nationalized the Space Force Guard. Following the comments of Milley after the last election, I could see Trump thinking this move would assist him in maintaining control over a component the Space Force. As to the size, make up, function and mission of the space national guardians, that is another question.


Low orbit??? Heck, Boeing can’t even build an airplane that’s safe and doesn’t fall apart…


We landed on Earth’s moon and somehow returned alive in 1969, 55 years ago.

… if you think about it a “flight” is nothing more than a very temporary, very low Earth orbit. :slight_smile:


… multiple times … without a hitch … with less than a hand held calculators worth of computing power, shielding out all that nasty radiation, but we apparently can’t engineer such systems anymore. Hmmmmmm.


Technically orbit is defined as falling, not flight, thought.

Did we??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :thinking:

I certainly don’t remember doing that, no.

Got e-mail about space force recently:

Space Force is Real!

Hello, There are many reasons to join the U.S. Air Force and serve your country. You may be most surprised by the benefits and opportunities you’ll receive as an Airman. Do you love to travel? There are over 64 bases in the continental U.S. and over 20 locations in other countries around the world. Not to mention every Airman earns 30 days of vacation with pay each year. There are also free- or- low-cost world travel opportunities. Want a better life for you and your family? The Air Force provides a great starting salary excellent healthcare coverage and food and housing assistance. You’ll also continue to receive leadership training as well as opportunities to further your education. And when the day comes that you’re ready to retire, the Air Force provides a generous retirement plan. Clearly, there are many tangible benefits to becoming an Airman, but there are emotional benefits as well. You’ll join a dedicated team of men and women who put service before self and continually strive to improve. You’ll also form lifelong bonds with your fellow Airmen and understand the true meaning of teamwork If you’re interested in becoming an Airman or have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-423-USAF, or chat with an Air Force representative online at

May the force be with you.


Very interesting!! If you want to know about how the SSP got started, check out a book series called, “Sands of Time” by Dr. Sean D. Morton. They are written as a series of novels, the science part is true. In 1999 he was approached by an MIB & was given this life story to relay to us. It is quite fascinating!! We Normies have been kept in the dark about what is really going on! :wink:

They need some form of negative matter that will repell that radiation like the force shield. For that they need to be able to generate it on demand during the flight i.e they must have mastered scalar physics, the transmutation of ether and such.

Is no one reading my books any more??? I covered much of this in SS Brotherhood of the Bell, and have addressed the so-called Van Allen belt problem many times in interviews.