New here couple book questions


New around here. Really enjoying old YT podcasts. I think a vipers/venice pod was my entryway.

couple questions - BOOKS
revisited, vipers, and babylon are at the top of my list for reading
any better options than amazon??
if i prove i buy them is there an audio version i can get access to? haha!
any other books I should (read first) or (drag up the list sooner)?

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1 Like (go to the used books tab)

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Used?.. these days I need all the royalties help I can get…


… Neru gave all of those refs. :slight_smile:

I mean, I get no royalties for used books. I get a little for new book purchases, and I could use them right now.

thanks all.
so amazon - then do a search on the publisher, got it. things i should know by now!

Made me laugh!! :rofl: Where can I send a check to buy “Giza Death Star Revisited”???

You can buy it directly off my website, which will come from amazon, but I get a few extra pennies royalties. Or you can buy it directly from Adventures UNlimited Press.

You have a personal website ? I couldn’t find it through Google search.

Lol, this is that you’re already here.

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Haha :sweat_smile:
I’ll for how to purchase the books off the site.

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That could help with sales for there to be audio narration, how would you like to narrate these books? Usually best for author to narrate their own works but don’t know if JPF would want to do that or let anyone else narrate those.

I have difficulty focusing to read through whole books in silence, still haven’t finished first Giza book but have read the first part. Can help to read out loud and record narration for listening but you need permission to publish what is copyright of course.

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