New here couple book questions


New around here. Really enjoying old YT podcasts. I think a vipers/venice pod was my entryway.

couple questions - BOOKS
revisited, vipers, and babylon are at the top of my list for reading
any better options than amazon??
if i prove i buy them is there an audio version i can get access to? haha!
any other books I should (read first) or (drag up the list sooner)?

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1 Like (go to the used books tab)

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Used?.. these days I need all the royalties help I can get…


… Neru gave all of those refs. :slight_smile:

I mean, I get no royalties for used books. I get a little for new book purchases, and I could use them right now.

thanks all.
so amazon - then do a search on the publisher, got it. things i should know by now!

Made me laugh!! :rofl: Where can I send a check to buy “Giza Death Star Revisited”???

You can buy it directly off my website, which will come from amazon, but I get a few extra pennies royalties. Or you can buy it directly from Adventures UNlimited Press.