They talk about mathematics and the pyramid, McCarthy, Marshall, and that weird telescope in New Mexico, among other things!
this is very good. this Kelly Em guy is great as well! possibly one of the best interviewers on physics. kinda graceful elf.
thanx again!
I have to watch the previous two interviews with this podcaster to work up to the new one. I bought the new book with some older ones from Adventures Unlimited Press, but found myself reading some older books first to fill in some holes first.
I feel like whenever I think I grasp Joseph’s ideas, then a new wrinkle appears suddenly.
Kelly was one of the GDS early members. Early youtubes from like 2011-2012 have submissions from Kelly.
Now you have the picture. That is what holds us ALL here!.. a new wrinkle that usually appears on the end of a twig and now you want to know how to get there, too.
… and he was friends with our dear GeorgeAnn Hughes from earlier days … one of the Giza family for sure