New Zealand PM Ardern delayed in ANTARTICA after plane breaks down! What!

You can add her name to the list Dr. Farrell! Why is she there.

More or less the day after her campaign HQ was attacked with a sword…

Jump-off point for USA’s Operation Deepfreeze is from the airport in Christchurch, NZ.

There are regular flights in and out of McMurdo, Byrd and the South pole Stations, plus various other bases from about Sept to March. Almost all the other nations fly in and out of Christchuch into Antactica. Nothing unusual.

A large contigent of scientists from various countires are also present. A of them in the warmest months, and a few over-winter. They represent various nations, and institutions from various fields of research. Scientific work is ongoing at virtually all the bases scattered throughout Antactica.

Various tourist ships, and private individuals also make regular vists to Antactica, mainly in the the Ross Sea area during the summer. So its not unusual for all sorts of folks to visit including government folks since it is an amazing place for a short vacation.

It is a very harsh environment so there is absolutely nothing unusual for mechanical stuff to break-down since it regularly happens.

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