Looks like the rats are abandoning ship… à la Dr. Fausti in the U.S.
Good riddance1 Indict her and punish her to the full extent to which she/he deserves!
What a two faced corrupt pharma roach she is. Bet her bank balance Is bulging at the seams… for shame on her. I wonder who the next WEF replacement will be?
The ole “spend more time with family”? Her father and uncle are Mormon and she has only one child? Tsk Tsk…
May she had gotten jabbed by a really potent vax/bioweapon batch!
That’s how it looks when you sell your soul. Look at Zuckerberg
Or better yet, look at Elon Musk.
Take into account that this one has rockets available and ready to use,plus lots of satellites in the skies, plus now Twitter is his, unlike Zuckerberg, who only has Meta.
That is a very interesting way to look at it
With all the money he gets from the US taxpayers he is probably trafficking in the stuff as well!
Al Gore Morphs Into Greta Thunberg
The horse put out to pasture. Jacinda Ardern resignation coverage on UK Column News: New Zealand - 20th January 2023
Known as “Chippy”, Hipkins built a reputation for competence in tackling Covid-19 and was a troubleshooter for Ardern when other cabinet ministers were struggling.
Meet the man set to replace Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand PM
Chris Hipkins was the sole candidate for the ruling Labour Party, and is currently the minister for police, education and public service.
Here we go again?
Jacinda, You’ll Resign and You’ll Be Happy
Jacinda resigned because she was getting a bit long in the tooth.