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Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 12:54 — 17.7MB)The NATO summit underway in Swamptington, DC., and the remarks of US Secretary of State Blinkinblankenblunken, are the occasion for some disturbing high octane speculation by Joseph on how the war in the Ukraine might be used by a desperate Globalooney leadership to solve a…


Nasty such as a successful or even better unsuccessful assasination attempt against the current president of USA for example?And of course the consequences of all that on the domestic and global stage?

Andrei Martyanov does not seem impressed by the NATO summit. Seems only Westeners are under the spell in still being “a hegemon” of any sort!

I summarize the only weapon succesfully deployed is debasement on the level of Sodom and Gomorrah aplied on Western peoples iself! Socalled Western dignataries, could not even sell that abroad. It was rejected! The West has become a big laughing stock to the rest of the world, it seems.


To me, it looks like Trump is running the country with his shadow government at least last six months of this year, maybe longer. If you can’t beat them(deep state), join them or in case Trump build up compeletely new parallel deep state.

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My take on it is since they faked the election returns of 2020, he has continued to run the country but in the shadows due to the level of ignorance in the population about all things government. Quite a show.

I am personally over it. Enough, already.


I can believe depopulation of the Ukraine is one of the goals, but beyond that, I can’t understand what on earth the West is aiming for with this continual, dangerous provocation. The possibility of using the Ukrainian conflict as cover for a false flag makes sense . . . Otherwise, I’m totally perplexed. Is the Western leadership / Mr. Globaloney insane enough to actually that believe war with Russia is a good thing – or that it is even winnable??

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Perhaps the entire “war” is what it always is- a use of funds that are fraudulently removed from the Treasuries to the Military Industrial Complex while providing a polar distraction. I am watching last night’s Dark Journalist (some good points by Dr. Farrell) and I thought it was interesting that DJ pointed that the Secret Service comes out of the Treasury. Spot On. The ENTIRE purpose of the Secret Service is to protect THE BANK. The detail protecting “the President” is to protect the Corporation Bank. It is always about the Bank and like Jesus kicking over the tables in the Synagogue, it is the usury that they are protecting, front and center.

Some tables need a kicking.

EDIT. Dr. Farrell quickly pointed out my error! It was no Synagogue!


@justawoaman which episode? 7/12/24? Did you mean a different date?

Uhm… just a small correction: the “temple” referred to in this incident is the ACTUAL temple where animal sacrifices were offered. It was NOT a synagogue…

Sorry. I never suggested I was a Biblical Scholar but I do get the point of the stories… Thank you, Dr. Farrell. I stand happily corrected.

From my perspective, we are the sacrificial animals. Sitting quietly is not the answer. I am not suggesting violence but Kicking IS required just as He showed us.

@justawoaman which episode? What date? I don’t think it was last night’s episode.

Yes It was last night’s episode.

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Okay, then it is a reference to the episode’s chat.

Family vendetta going back centuries. Visceral hatred for Russia and eastern Slavs by western oligarchs in general. Russia was created on the ashes of the kingdom of their ancestors.

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DJ mentioned it as he was talking about the people who seemed to die at young ages and as an aside mentioned that the Secret Service rose out of the Treasury.

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@justawhoaman For sure, the war is a huge a money-laundering operation and a gift to the military-industrial complex – another looting of the Treasury. War is always a racket . . .

@abellache Yes, I agree the age-old visceral hatred for Russia is there in the background.

I still wonder whether any of the Western “leaders” realize that provoking Russia too much could come back to bite them in the backside.

Or a successful or even better unsuccessful assasination attempt against the ex president of USA, for that matter? :man_shrugging:
War is on.And now visible trough and trough.Sorry i was right on target about this. :clock11: