Originally published at: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE NEFARIUM MAY 30, 2024

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 16:14 — 22.3MB)Those covert wars Joseph has been warning about appear to be heating up: consider the Iranian report on the recent death of its president Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash: IRAN INCIDENT, PERSIAN PUTSCH — EVIDENCE THAT PRESIDENT RAISI, FOREIGN MINISTER AMIR-ABDOLLAHIAN WERE MURDERED  


In this case, the mind control you speak of is pure desperation. I used to work with a number of Iranians and they have no problem telling people how the cow ate the cabbage back home. To say that much of the population of Iran wants rid of the theocracy is a major understatement. One Iranian told me that it might get so desperate that it would come down to ‘drawing straws’; I can’t remember the Farsi phrase for it. The Iranians clearing Israel & U.S. is probably true, to a degree, as this job, payments, etc., were likely piped through The Saudis.

Joseph, on another forum I’m on, a member with an Iranian wife said that she had heard (3rd or 4th hand) from contacts in Iran that one of the crew members, I think a mechanic, but it could have been someone else; was a cousin of the young women who died in police custody after being arrested for not wearing her headscarf properly.

That even set off huge demonstrations all over Iran. It still reverberates to this time, and many Iranians are furious about it.

If this story is true, then a revenge murder-suicide suddenly makes sense without any outside players at all. Sadly, no one I know has been able to get further information on this, but I hope we can find out eventually.

As you point out, the alternatives are even uglier.


Historical court intrigue for regime change, instead of physical violence or bodily poison, mind poisoning is the new means… it’s all so exhausting.


Interesting…It occurred to me the guard removal could have been (real or staged) to balance passenger weights between the 3 helicopters. But maybe not (crash was at 7K ft but the 'net states the ceiling for a model 212 is over 17K ft). Something nefarious was my first thought when I heard of this crash too.

The below from Wikipedia has some strange info in it. A pilot from one of the other copters was able to have a phone conversation with (temporary survivor) crash survivor Ale Hashim (religious cleric). But here’s the odd thing. The pilot had called the phone of his fellow pilot (of the crashed copter) Mostafavi but it was Ale Hashim who answered the phone. Ale Hashim stated he was alone under a tree. (I guess they have enough cell towers in the remote high forests of Azerbaijan for this call to work?) China daily says Hashim’s body was the only one that seemed to survive the moment of impact. Did he hear pilot’s phone ringing and crawled over to answer it? Then crawl back under a tree? Lots of interesting questions that need an answer.


Final thoughts on the helicopter crash based on what has been released. First, we know two of the three craft were climbing to get over the cloud. The third didn’t make the climb. A helicopter has to increase power/main rotor speed to climb. And they were already at a pretty high altitude so air was thin, rotor working hard. The main rotor blades only have a few hundred hours of service life before they must be replaced - else the centrifugal force will tear them apart. The Iranian AF cant buy parts for it directly from the US due to the sanctions. So parts must come from grey/black market sources likely leading to use of parts longer than recommended service life. As the 3d helicopter that crashed was trying to climb too, it probably experienced a main rotor failure which causes extreme imbalance of the rotating assembly. The engine/transmission shake themselves apart very quickly. Craft gyrates wildly all the way to a hard ground impact. Ironic Iran is still flying the craft of the nation they ousted along with the Shah 45 years ago. Maybe they should switch to a Russian helicopter for DIV transport?


Personally I think that since Soleimani assasination, Iranian regime is super careful with their elites traveling anywhere. So this crash could have been staged.
By the way Iranian gov officials were coming back from Qatar talks with the West, so most important thing is what was agreed or not upon there.