Originally published at: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE NEFARIUM OCT 5 2023

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 11:47 — 16.2MB)Well everyone else is weighing in on the recent “near shutdown” of the goobernment of the USSA, and the vacation of the House Speakership of representative Kevin McCarthy(R-CA), so I might as well too… but as you might expect, I have some high octane speculations… …


Thank you, Dr. I knew there was a likely rug-pull hiding somewhere. (See the McCarthy thread.)
COG fits perfectly. Uh boy.
What do you think about this push to make Trump Speaker?
Do you think Biden’s change of black heart (no heart) about the border wall could be related to COG?

I think Trump would be more of a danger to the ‘elites’ as speaker as opposed to president. Just my speculation. Is he actually a contender or is this just ‘wishful thinking’?


Anyone have any good historical resources on British Intelligence and COG, or the Davos set and COG?

I don’t know if Trump is a major ‘contender’ but The Constitution leaves The Speaker position wide open. The guy who mows our lawn could be appointed if The House voted him in (and would probably do a better job than most).

Trump allegedly said a while back that he’s not interested in Speaker. In my opinion, with his ego, I don’t think it has anywhere near the visibility he wants. He wants to be King again.


Wishful thinking… I do not think the House rules allow that

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That’s exactly right. Apparently to be a Speaker of the House , one can not be indicted either in civil or criminal case. At least to Ann Coulter who is a lawyer
Interesting staff she had to say on PBD podcast

Not so @QVBB
This could easily be argued in court and The Constitution leaves it wide open.
Ann Coulter isn’t the only gig in town and a number of attys. hold the opposite opinion, so, it’s a toss up.

I think what Coulter is speaking about is a “GOP Conference” rule. This still does not mean that Trump cannot be Speaker; only as other than a Republican. However, The Rule can also be changed.

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Good to know. If rule was to change, who would (names) would have guts to do it.?

Well of course he does!