I recommend reading the works of Nicholas J. Spykman, wrote several books about geopolitics. Very interesting fellow particularly his analysis of South America. Mr. Spykman visited the Pentagon and said “everything is beautiful here” “what a great thing we have going here.” “There is a problem gentlemen, if you ever see Brazil, Argentina, Chile forming a block we have to intervene, be it by regime change or direct military intervention.”
In Argentina, Juan Perón was and still is a beloved political figure. Why? He was the first Hispanic leader that started implementing protectionist policies to begin the process of industrialization. The United States started calling the Argentine goverment Nazi and a dictatorship. 🤷 Why Nazi? The Argentine goverment was trying to do the same as the US and industrialize. Mr. Perón understood what happened to the Hispanic world after the fall of the Spanish empire. The subordination that had occurred with the Anglo world. He restored Catholic teaching in schools. He exalted Hispanic culture and strengthened ties with Spain. Argentina helped Spain through some difficult times. Spain was starving and they started sending clothing and meat products to the country.
During this period, there was an operation called Plan-Naranja. A plan to bomb the city of Buenos Aires. The United States was going to use planes painted with the Brazilian flag to bomb the Argentine city. Brazil had an oligarchy that was subservient to the Anglo block. Brazil had a president by the name of Getulio Vargas, a lawyer born in the rural area, not part of the Brazilian oligarchy. Every time the Brazilian military approved plans for the bombing raid with the paperwork ready to be signed, Mr. Vargas said “Nope, over my dead body, we are not doing that.”
I think Juan Perón was the start of this quest to restore Hispanic America and the Hispanic World, end the two centuries of humiliation. You had the trifecta during this time Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Didn’t last long, apparently Nicholas J. Spykman was read in the Pentagon.
In my honest opinion, the President of Argentina, Mr. Javier Milei is going to get whacked. He is making the same mistakes that made Argentina poor in the first place. No local industry. No economic power. Mr. Milei is saying to the world let Argentina by your prostitute, come and rape me. He wants anarcho capitalism 19th century style. He is being subservient to Anglo imperialism. Mine my Lithium Mr. Elon. Lowering inflation, ending woke culture, and transgender bathrooms, that’s all emotional folks. The rational part is much more and much deeper than this.
The Argentinian president is a British agent even if he doesn’t know this. The people that he gives thanks for his “education” are 100% British agents. The Argentine military knows this. The Argentinian right - who is very Roman Catholic - knows this. South America knows this.
Every intelligence service out there knows the man is crazy. He is smart and that’s why is still alive. He will get a chance to rule but once National security gets compromised, he is going to be whacked or a coup d’etat will happen.