NJ drones...Iran?

… or “everyone else” attributes “everything” to us. :slight_smile:

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But I saw someone in a suit and tie say they do not have the authority to shoot at these things.

I guess we’re not too far away from people going crazy; “Please take some, or all, of my freedom away-Just shoot them things down!”

Any minute now.

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“They don’t know where they come from, or where they go”.
There’s people saying they’ve seen them dive into the ocean.
People all over New Jersey been reporting of “flickering lights”, some have said that this has lasted for a couple of months.
Peoples private drones goes down close to them, people digital clocks in cars stops.
To me, if this has been going on dor months now, that suggests they’ve been training for this period of time.
Since they’re going invisible, people have just not seen them until now, as they come with crazy light shows and star wars like laser shots.
Whether it’s hidden technology or blue beam or a mix of the two, if it started to shoot laser guns in my direction, I ain’t gonna lie; I’d be a little shook too.
The PSYOP expert, Chase Hughes, has words for the “not so skeptics” and some skeptics as well I guess.

I liked his statement : " Remember, if the aliens are advanced enough to make all this happen, they are probably also advanced enough to know our leaders and politicians are not the smartest / honest people on this rock, so why would they leak things through/ use them to be their middlemen? ( paraphrasing)

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