NJ drones...Iran?

Since the last post on drones was in August according to my search I initiated this new one.

This link goes to an interesting Substack piece that discusses Iran’s conversion of ships into drone motherships. Some in Congress have said it’s parked off the US E coast.

If true what’s said in the piece that GPS spoofing may be among the capabilities the drones are showing it clearly could be a big issue for aviation traffic, automated ground vehicles etc. Any Teslas run off the road in NJ lately?

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Maybe testing these and using Iran for cover.


I’d be more inclined to lean that way. A ship offshore is too easy a target after its purpose has been ascertained and the surveillance has been completed.


I’m sure it’s not lost on anyone here that New Jersey was also the location of the famous War of the World’s broadcast.


Trump couple days ago announced he will revoke Lockheed Martin contract for F-35.
And then, drones show up. Now, question is, can Musk shoot them down using his satellites without going for full EMP?

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… gee remind me again what the standard of living is in Iran? … and they are spending money on adult (not that kind) toys.

… But we should remember (If true) that:

Really, there is no self destruct device in these things? Hmmmmmm.


Scarmoge; usually what they do is bomb the wreckage to completely obliterate any sensitive technology on-board when one goes down (what the did when the F-117 was shot down in Kosovo). For reasons unknown they did not do this when the drone was captured. Likely because it was over Iranian airspace, and because those drones tend to fly very far away from any combat aircraft that might be able to do the destruction. Similar thing when the P-3 signal capture spy plane was forced down on the island just offshore from mainland China.

Yes, Iran has a very robust drone program. A recent video highlighted that they have converted a container ship as a ‘mother ship’ from which to launch drones, and it put to sea about a month ago. They also can launch drones from submarines they have. But as mentioned above, easy to sink (both a giant container ship, or an old technology diesel submarine). Iran can’t compete with the west in aircraft technology (they’re trying…have shown a stealth fighter prototype) so they concentrate on asymmetric warfare. Many cheap high tech weapons vs a few very expensive ones.

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This is a comedic take on the drones.

Also this former Navy guys thoughts on the drones. Several good links to images, also a link to a news article in there about a deal struck for a cargo drone test corridor through NJ. Has something to do with the FAA tech center which is located in Pamona NJ, very near to Atlantic City. This would have something to do with creating guidelines for Drones in use in Airspace and logistical work for max heights they can fly and what not, like creating the regulation for drones from the FAA.

Don’t think because i linked to that site, that is my political views, i get my info from multiple different politically leaning sites, i’m just saying, if the info sounds logical to me i’m going to present it.

I think the Powers that be who like war are using a testing phase for drone operation and FAA regulation creation as a Psy-op to goad the future President into war with Iran, by creating hysteria in the public.

“Its got a strobe light on it. It’s got disco lights like at the club.”
Nice to see Iran obeying at least one American law while reconnoitoring mainland North America. First Chinese balloons, then Iranian drones. What’s next? A high flying fat Canadian wearing a red suit being yanked around the skies by a bunch of caribou with codes names like Prancer, Vixen, and Henry the brown nosed reindeer? Never heard of Henry you say? He was at the rear of the pack. He was as fast as Rudolph, but couldn’t stop as quick! As the late great Paul Harvey used to say at the conclusion of each radio show: "And now you know the rest of the story. :wink:


I often wonder, if telling our children such a bold face lie like a fat man in a red suede suit zooming up and down a 2ft x 1ft hole in the roof might not be the reason we are in all the mess we are in today. “See kids, it’s okay to lie, as long as it’s to preserve your naiveté and innocence.” Wait, was it Goebbels who said that? Maybe i’m misquoting him? :wink:

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Pretty sure it’s a PSYOP designed to whip up sentiment for a big DOD budget to ‘study’ UAPs.

Others have said this before me.


They are not shooting them down, because they are ours. The military is technically not lying, when they say they are not our “drones”. just another case of playing with words, so they can blame us for not asking the correct questions.
ANCILLARY Autonomous VTOL Uncrewed Aircraft Systems | Northrop Grumman

“Do Not Block the Way of Inquiry” - C.S. Peirce

… Well then, let us try to think of some “correct questions” to continue this inquiry. … so in this case wouldn’t at least some “correct” follow up series of questions be:

When you say “ours” what exactly do you mean by “ours”? Do you mean - Not “yours” (yours being you and your colleagues (regardless of exactly from “where” and or “how” they are paid) or those with for which you work under any circumstances whomever they might be) personally.

Do you mean “ours” in terms of an / the “organization” (either military or civilian) for which you work? “Work for” meaning either “paid by” or for whom “you” (uncompensated - by any menas- either alone or with “colleagues”) “perform (act in the world either by word or deed) services / tasks”?

Do you mean by “ours” humanity in general.

Are you a member of “humanity” (The question is asking: Are you genetically human?)

I’m sure others can think of many more variations of meaning and usage for the word “ours”.

A little background may be had in Susan Haack’s paper on C.S. Peirce’s thought on the importance of inquiry titled “Do Not Block the Way of Inquiry”

Available gratis at:


The first goal is to understand why Peirce describes his motto, “Do Not Block the Way of Inquiry,” as a corollary of the “first rule of reason,” why he believes it deserves to be inscribed on every wall of the city of philosophy, and what he has in mind when he characterizes the various barricades philosophers set up, the many obstacles they put in the path of inquiry. This soon leads us to important, substantive themes in Peirce’s meta-philosophical, cosmological, metaphysical, logical, and epistemological work (§1). However, it also leads us to what might seem to be a tension in his account of the motives for inquiry. So the second goal is to track the source of this apparent tension, and to show how Peirce resolved it (§2). But the ultimate goal is to explain why Peirce’s warning against blocking the way of inquiry is no less important, given the condition of philosophy today, than it was when he offered it more than a century ago-perhaps even more so (§3).

… surely we have a couple of German 88s sitting around …

The gun’s high velocity and rapid firing rate allowed synchronized German batteries of four to accurately hurl massive 17-pound shells up to 48,200 ft. When an 88mm projectile exploded at altitude it sent out 1,500 jagged metal fragments that would tear through any aircraft.

Pretty sure these would take care of a “swarm” of drones.

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To me this seems like US governement trying to psyop the evangelical rapture believers.


Very philosophical and somewhat impractical especially for those who sometimes question historical narratives. This German questioned the use of gas by the SS to exterminate people during WWII. Results: 44 months in prison for his research writing…


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Drones? Drones mixed with ‘our’ anti-gravity ships? Military contractor drones, mixed with military drones, mixed with ‘our’ breakaway civilization craft, mixed with alien craft? Any way you cut it you have to admit Clif High’s web bot prediction about ‘disclosure’ is happening and pretty close to the schedule he advised. Some like him, some don’t but just had to give credit on this data point.

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Drones and Dark Journalist followers:


Starts at 1:34

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Holy moly. If those questions were actually asked, their heads would spin so fast, they’d detach and take flight…like a drone! :see_no_evil:

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That’s what happens when one lives in America for too long. Everything becomes “ours”

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