No, simply do what we need to do to the "worst criminal ILLEGALS" (not migrants)

It is much less expensive.

… and while we are at it … finish off those death sentences for those who have been on “death row” for 15 years.

Where is a Comité de salut public when you need one?


I’m very sorry, but we have an enormous labor shortage, and the idea of hardened criminals with extensive histories of violence, in a chain-gang as a public works project, and not the profit device of the oligarchy, is extremely attractive.

… could it also be the case that we do not have a labor shortage in this country but a society that coddles the non-productive members with food, clothing ,housing, cell phones (this list is almost never ending) by not requiring those who CAN work to work? I know this will make me sound “old” but there was a time when an able bodied person was aSHAMEd to be out of work for fear of how they would be judged by those around them. Might be time to bring shame back into the mix of the social plasma. The choices are Shame based or Guilt based societies. Just a thought and a question …


Absolutely, I agree fully, but a labor shortage none the less. Healthy norms are the way out the issue writ large, but I see no real way to reinstitute healthy norms in the near-term without a lag, and as with the formation of any plasma, Time is an expression of the Essence in simultaneity.

You do not come off as old, just a healthy.

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That was quick.

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What do you guys think of this “Black awakening” thing. Is it real? Because this rapid move to deport these gangs in conjunction with the other deep state apparatus appears to be motivated by serious political emergency.

For reference:

… not seeing any EVIDENCE of movement “rapid” or otherwise. There was and continues to be NO EVIDENT PLAN for deportations MASS or otherwise. Sorry, I’m just not seeing it.

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Of course there are no plans for wide spread deportations. There are already reports of entire factories in Midwest on the stand still because of local ICE raids.
The most likely plan is to round up thousands of illigals with serious criminal past and throw them to Gitmo and later weaponize them. They will serve as a counterofensive to weaponized Bukele prisoners in El Salvador.
Just a reminder to all going gaga over miracle worker Bukele.
He is the largest land owner in El Salvador
He is a Palestinian Muslim with ties to big bucks in ME
Trump predicted that his prison population will be weaponized against America
El Salvador at least since 1980ties is CIA territory.

The argument that we’ll have a labor shortage is based on the false (in my opinion) assumption that a significant number of ILLEGALS will be deported. This country has been saturated with “laborers” for decades. I’m 52 and have watched several of the surrounding towns here in Texas go from a small ILLEGAL minority to, in many cases, an overwhelming majority.

It’s simply not possible to deport enough to have any meaningful effect IMHO, and if it WERE
possible I’d strongly doubt they’ll get anywhere near 10-15 percent. They may get some of the
criminals and the collateral folks associated with those raids…but the only way, again IMO, to
have a meaningful impact…would be to change the laws and make it illegal to employ them and let the businesses work it out. X amount of people would deport themselves.

Incidentally , my family was on food stamps when we were kids after my father passed. They
were actually stamps and green in color. They would only work for certain kinds of food and didn’t go a long way. We were embarrassed to be seen using them. Today, it’s become a way of life.

Edit: It’s already illegal to employ illegals :slight_smile: …But they’d have to begin to enforce and fine them.
Mom-and-Pops would struggle. Corporations would have to, and WOULD raise prices, etc…

Yeah, when Europeans colonized their lands, most did not overstay their welcome or commit any atrocities or steal stuff, well maybe a little of their natural resources, sometimes a few of their women. :shushing_face: