Not Since WW2 Era!: 3000 police officers deployed in raids over plot to overthrow German government | DW News

I’m looking for additional info on this. Anybody? Those raided are anti-covid, which would figure.


Here is more in this tt

Wild, this: early this morning 3,000 police officers raided 130+ homes across Germany and made 25 arrests linked to a far-right coup plot. Conspirators said to include the aristocrat Prince Heinrich XIII, a former AfD MP & a former Bundeswehr commander.

— Jeremy Cliffe (@JeremyCliffe) December 7, 2022

Did somebody in Germany just stopped a coup??


I doubt seriously these ‘plotters’ were QAnon inspired. Prince Heinrich? I have to try and follow this.

This guy was for real. His family disowned him 14 years ago for his eccentric beliefs. He’s a monarchist from a German aristocratic family lineage dating back to the 10th century. His claim is the current form of government is illegal and unresponsive to the people. He has a home and real estate development business in Frankfort along with a hunting lodge in the countryside.
This is in German so you’ll need to use a translator to read unless you read German.
It dates back to August of this year so evidently the “coup” has been in the planning stages for awhile. He’s seen here with the Mayor and a parliamentary member…,


@Bill10558 Thank you! Obviously ousted well before Q. A monarchist, eh? Will see. I’m naturally suspicious re: all the raids nowadays.

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Possibly he and others were duped into setting up the situation. (Kinda like the situation with Governor of Michigan and the Jan 6 “insurrection “). He strikes me as serious in his mind about his beliefs. The fact his family distanced themselves from him 14 years ago tells me they determined he was on the road to trouble and wanted no connection.
Evidently there are still those around from the old monarchical families that remember “the good ole days” when they had the power and prestige before the new world order crowd usurped their privileged lifestyle and took it for themselves.


It might not be exactly what the headlines reflect.

Yeah betcha, the announcer’s English and looks definitely seem Chinese. Brought to you by a country with leaders par excellence…

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Just can’t get the straight story, but thought it interesting there are possibly elites, not monarchists, directly involved. I understand the indirect approach, but a bit taken back by that one. Wonder who this group really is? Wonder who the elites are they’re trying to get rid of?

Evidently the reporting is sponsored by Germany’s Public Broadcasting station, paid with their taxes…um conflict of interest? The sensationalism of the incident reminds me of the Jan 6 “ insurrection”.

@Bill10558 I know that. Still some interesting info. One does not have to believe every word to learn something.

Yes there is usually a nugget of truth in most information. The trick is sifting and spotting. The process seems to be getting more and more difficult to do so.

There’s no trick to it, just start sifting.

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However, if Prince Heinrich XIII, who authorities deem the leader of the group, truly planned to imminently storm the Reichstag and seize power, then he and his cohorts are delusional, potentially insane, and acutely unaware of how power actually works. Power is not a capture-the-flag game where you can run into a government building and scream: “Look, now I’m in power!”

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I’d say it’s a way to highlight and raise concern for “right wing anti-vaccine” groups and maybe keep the German mind off their heating power problems. Snuggle up with a blanket and watch the news.