Nov 8 vidchat moved to monday at @pm us central

Well no sooner than I posted my previous schedule update, than they updated the weather forecast to storms beginning Thursday and continuing to Saturday, so I am RESCHEDULING THE VIDCHAT to MONDAY NOV 11 at 2PM US Central time… I am sorry folks but it is sounding as if it might shape up to be another bad round of storms! Thank you for your patience! AS USUAL OUR COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS CLOSURE TIME IS 10PM US CENTRAL THURSDAY NOV 7 2024



lol… watch…they’ll switch to white out…


Hi, it’s Monday 2pm central…has the vidchat been moved again? The changes don’t seem to appear on the schedule. Where is a reliable place to get the latest info re: scheduled vidchats? Thanks

It is running now. Try logging in.

If there are last minute changes they are normally posted HERE on the forum… sometimes I forget to change the actual schedule, so that’s on me with my apologies, but I think I DID change the posted schedule. Always check the forum or my facebook page for any last minute changes.

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