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…do you still think a cashless society and central bank digital currencies are a good idea? If so, then you’ve joined the globalooney ranks of Medusala von der Lyin’ and Bojo in thinking that (1) the Ukraine is a smoothly running and “democractic” country, (2) admitting it to NATO and the EU, and thus that (3)…


I did a bit of research on options. There are two situations, a ‘covered’ Put (or Call) meaning the option offerer owns the stock, and for a few ‘special’ market participants a ‘naked’ Put where the offerer does not own the stock. These are offered in option chains. So basically, there is typically a standing array of options offered on the market for every major stock available for purchase. My point is these are sitting out there available for purchase at any time, and not something done in conjunction with any event. So it appears there is nothing nefarious on the ‘offer’ side of the trade.

But purchased option contracts are legal contracts and can’t just be disappeared. It’s not reported on what happened to the RUM shorts, but the DJT Put contract disappearing off the exchange records is definitely not ‘normal’ and we have to assume some very high level pressure would have to have been exerted on the option exchange (transaction manager - middleman) to make this happen. So ask yourself who could exert this pressure? The SEC? the FTC? Treasury?

We know the intelligence agencies have lots of money and influence throughout the commercial sector (as well as the oversight agencies, SEC, FTC etc). Ex: the well known Obama grandmother intel community connections, and she a VP of a Hawaii bank (intel needs to be able to ‘launder’ money moving around the world to people they want to do ‘things’). The intel community has tons of money floating around to ‘manage’. They have countless other connections to big tech, media etc.

So, the obvious question; Is Austin Private Wealth an intel community front operation similar to that bank in Hawaii? Board member connections would be interesting, and I know some have researched that early on before much of their website was scrubbed.


There sure seem to be enough “coincidences” swirling around this presidential campaign to form a pattern (or patterns). It’s hard to believe the Crowdstrike incident isn’t somehow related to recent events surrounding the presidential candidates.

The hypothesis that it could have been a trial run for some bigger planned internet outage makes a lot of sense, as does the other speculation in the blog post . . . One could stack a lot of functions in an internet outage, so the various speculations aren’t mutually exclusive either. It’s a tangled web. My first thought was it must be partly related to financial skulduggery – black budget stuff, money laundering, campaign funding, and so on.

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I don’t know anything about board of directors for Austin MC but Dan Kraus and Raoul Celerier were chief executives and biggest investors at this company. They came from Black Rock. So, we have two opposite options here. Either Black Rock and Fink for that matter got orders from breakaways to finish Trump or somebody wanted to sink Fink and arranged that short for DJT Media.
Why? let’s not forget Trump was very cozy with Fink and maybe competition wants to outmaneuver him in next Trump administration. Competition, that not necessarily is behind attempted assassination but the one who had a foreknowledge of the event.? I believe there were many fractions of DS that knew about event.
About groups or people who had a foreknowledge of imminent assassination, well I am going quite a bit on the limb here, so bear with me.
How about a curious case of South Dakota Gov. Noem?
The release of fragments of her book where she euthanizes her dog is to believed an event that ended her chances for VP pick.
Why would she do it so stupidly.?
Maybe she wanted to get separated from Trump if she knew about assassination. Let’s not forget that her supposed lover Corey Lewandowski after departure from Trump campaign in 2016 went to work for Koch brothers.

I know, I know, why speculate so fancifully, well Koch Brothers were never a pro Trumpers even though Trump is good for oil business. Let’s not forget how these Kansas brothers started, well, they were first working for Rockefellers.


The outage could be related to a test of systems where an expand requirement for digital ID (to facilitate payment or access) will be required in the future. And then an approach to a cross system repair and update mechanism could also be analyzed and deployed.

There seems to be a lack of panic just inconvenience with the crowdstrike event.

The French train disruption feels related to Ukraine and Russia, excluding the athletes from the Olympics was wrong.

Cyberattacks seem to be on the rise.


A cybersecurity gamers network seem to be having a fun loving hay day lately as well as generating a demand for their skill set. Wonder where their awards banquet is held and what are the prizes?