Offspring of watchers/nephilim? unknown 6-fingered ancient civilization discovered at karahan tepe


June 12, 2022 by SkyWatch Editor

A strange carved head (of a man, a demon, a priest, a God?), also hewn from the living rock, gazes at the phallic totems – like a primitivist gargoyle. Another unnerving oddity is the curious number of carvings which show people with six fingers. Is this the mark of a strange tribe? Again, there are more questions than answers. At the center of the frieze is a small figure, in bold relief. Next to him, being threatened by the aurochs, is another human. He has six fingers too. For a long while, we stare in silence at the carvings. I realize that we are some of the first people to see this since the end of the Ice Age…

Is an unknown, extraordinarily ancient civilisation buried under eastern Turkey? | The Spectator

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No, but a tripped out tribe of party goers is. LSD and beer great combo for seeing gargoyles and six fingered weirdos not really something I’m into, like old comic book covers selling mail order phallic enlargement promises guaranteed 100%, now I did mail in some Trix box tops for a pair of plastic adjustable roller skates!! But somehow my mail got switched with the next door neighbors, and my roller skates had morphed into a thick magnifying glass!! Go figure? I guess it had something to do with the comic book reader next door ya know? So I thought about that six finger dude and I came to the conclusion that the forty niners qb, he could use a sixth finger! Jimmy G has thumb issues, maybe 2 thumbs is the answer! As he sits today memorizing next seasons playbook with the team he plans to sign with the day he’s cut by Sf, the first day of the season, after it’s too late to work with his new team, get prepared, before it starts, petty old team holding him til the bitter end to hurt him and his new team, lying to the cameras about keeping him, trading him, lol lol but not paying him, that’s what’s going to happen in Sf. A advanced people just pop up in our historic timeline? They just happen to be the oldest they just happen to have math music science art religion etc? Sounds like a survivor tribe from a once great civilization to me…