On The Light Side of CCP Spying Inside the U.S

Recent Yellow Peril chatter from hard liner conservative, bigots, is pointing to statistics of mainland Chinese buying properties and homes around U.S. Air Force bases; therefore it’s proof enough they are spying.
Actually, according to my Beijing wife here’s the skinny why Chinese like to live around military base(s.)
Due to Covid 14 billion, quack jab, science, bio weapon shots, Chinese worry about a “Zombie Apocalypse.” When the Zombies come in force, a military base for sanctuary is very convenient.
The Chinese are all too familiar with Zombie Apocalypses in history. Indonesia, 731 Units, Japanese pirates, and in the depth of famine, Western Christians bathing in milk and honey, not lifting a finger to help.
The American conservative hard right is always ready to stir the pot for more weapon sales.
If ever the American people figure out their future prosperity depends upon friendly relations with China, it’s over for the Deep State, Eisenhower warned us about.


The Han are to smart. There is a talent for win win deals with them, the Chinese have game. In my opinion America needs to retrench lick the wounds, and start fresh with a new outlook.


The elephant in the room are the Banksters. And Racism against everyone else that is not from the golden billion countries. How dare these hordes of unwashed demand economic sovereignty?

Add Zionism to that already explosive mix and you have the current situation. Someone needs to get that free energy thing rolling or at least a lesser version of it. So as to break this current retarded situation humanity is finding itself in.

It will never stop with one side “winning”, actual breakthrough technology is needed. I have my crazy speculation as to why its being suppressed. Maybe we have “visitors” still with us that with don’t want it built until they can go back where they came from first.