One narrative to find and rule and bind them all

I’m starting to agree with the DJ…too many spooks coming out of the closet…I think ol Nick Pope gives a better more measured response to the growing narrative forming before our eyes…

Speaking of DJ and being skeptical…has anyone ever laid eyes on the lovely Olivia…just saying…

honey boo boo wtf GIF

you mean this lady in the GIF is Olivia?
is it a bad joke or a good one?

Well… I thought it was funny… But I’m the first to say that there’s nothing much worse than somebody that laughs at their own joke…especially if they’re the only one laughing :grimacing:

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That said… I’m not sure why he doesn’t give her a little camera time…

Pretty sure Olivia doesn’t want screen time and she looks nothing like that. You can find a photo of her if you do a search; your pic was kind of disrespectful.

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more like this. :wink:

A bit of levity with some edge might be called for in this age of cancel wokeism…that said…I fully support one’s right of descent when it comes to my jokes :upside_down_face:

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The question is: Will enough people fall for it? Would the powers-that-be have to stage another dramatic false flag to get people to even care about aliens, with everything else going on in the world? I realize most people fell in line with the covid tyranny, but the more time goes on, the more I get the feeling a lot of people who used to trust the government are becoming skeptical about official narratives and mistrustful of government pronouncements.


the show is just getting started, get some popcorn.


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I agree the world is no longer drinking the cool aid and is hyper suspect of the ruling class …at this point there’s no way tptb can convincingly pull off a project blue beam no matter how good our holographic technology might be or if Greer and his ilk are right that we have reversed engineered craft and robotic AI grays that mimic the real ones…I don’t think tptb ultimately have a clue what they really are or how to deal with them…but they want us to think they do…that said…I do believe the real phenomenon is increasingly aggressive and assertive and the real thing is going to manifest and reveal itself one day soon as in Clarkes “prophetic” Childhood’s End…if you have Spotify the MU boys down under do a pretty good break down though as typical I wouldn’t necessarily agree with all their assessment…



At 11:00 minutes “we saw this little tic tack looking object” so I’m wondering what a tic tack object looks like???
40 years ago when I was camping in the mountains we were looking at the stars when we noticed about 8 stars playing a game of tic tack toe across the whole sky zigzagging and making sharp impossible turns incredibly fast. It’s strange that they call it the tic tack because that’s how I always described our sightings. We saw them the next night too.

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All these major events in the past 3 years with global impact are kind of hypnotic.Wouldn’t one say?In my opinion anyway.Maybe I’m wrong .


Two sides.Same coin. :man_shrugging:


this Hypnotic was not bad.

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Hypnotic looks very interesting…it appears to suggest a Huxleyian approach of using a pharmacological approach of controlled servitude…

It immediately made me think of The Manchurian Candidate remake…with its more Jungian/Skinner mind manipulating implanted hardware approach of control…

My guess is that real world MKULTRA’esque uses a combination of both approaches…

I might also throw into the mix a much more exotic and disturbing possibility that involves “THEM”…based on research from luminaries such as David M Jacobs, John Mack, Jacque Vallee, Alan Hynek and John Keel et al…in short…is the planet being deceived as the ruling class has and is being seeded with hybrids created in some vast breeding program and who are indistinguishable from those of us who are fully human and whose purpose is to infiltrate and overtake humanities centers of power and to take control of our “evolutionary”course as they terraform the planet and its population as a precondition for their actual, literal and physical arrival/return from above AND from below like some great cosmic pincer movement…

If true…and as these mens research to differing degrees points out as apparently very much so…then it suggests from a biblical perspective that we’re on the cusp of a return of the infamous Watchers of Genesis 6 fame just as Jesus prophesied would happen in the last days directly before his return to earth in Matthew 24:37…
