Originally published at: OOPARTS: 15,000 YEAR OLD PROJECTILE POINTS FOUND
This very intriguing story was shared by T.S., and when I saw it, it went directly into the “finals” folder because I knew I’d have to blog about it because, as regular readers of this website know, I just love the topic of OOPARTS, or “Out Of Place ARTifacts.” Just why this story may qualify…
Made from copper and aluminium alloy, 9, 000 years ago. Unexplained Artifact, "The Wedge of Aiud" - YouTube
It just sits there. In the woods , for no apparent reason .

People call it the “big nišan”, but it is an obelisk located at the historical site of Bakići Donji, where there are the remains of the foundation of the Church of St. Rok, the stećak necropolis and large Ottoman niches, which are protected as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"The correct name is Obelisk. It is a four-sided geometry. Unlike the Egyptian obelisks, which have a pyramidal end on top, here we have a four-sided pyramid on top, and on the very top there is a stone ball - explains dr. Osmanagić.
The obelisk is carved from one piece. Little is known about him. It is believed that it was built in the 14th century by the first Bosnian king Tvrtko I Kotromanić, and only one legend tells about the possible reasons. Namely, Tvrtko I was hunting wild boars in that forest, and was wounded during the hunt and barely survived, so he had a monument erected at the place where he was wounded.
From then until today, no one has removed him from that place. And they tried to help and move it to the National Museum, but they didn’t succeed even with heavy machinery. This is how it now stands in untouched nature, where it surprises both tourists and new locals when walking. They say it weighs about five tons.
From the base to the top, it is over four meters high, and with the ball on top, it is 45 centimeters high. It was built from a limestone monolith. Symbols are drawn on all sides of the obelisk: spirals, grapes, flowers and animals. On top of the obelisk you can see a perfectly shaped pyramid on all four sides. Caravans, horses and donkeys loaded with ores from the surrounding mines used to pass by it, so today this place is also called Konjsko (formerly Vlaškovac).
Some historians assume that it is in the same plane as the obelisk in the Vatican. However, such a mysterious and unusual phenomenon is rare in the world, just like the enigmatic stone spheres in Zavidovići, 80 kilometers away, and the pyramids in Visoko, only 50 kilometers away, etc. There are other assumptions about him, but the biggest BH. historians such as Dubravko Lovrenović, Ćira Truhelka and Šefik Bašlagić agree that it is one of the most significant and interesting medieval monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Lovrenović wrote about it in his monograph “Bosnian and Humsko marble of the Middle Ages” that there is a possibility that a Bosnian lord or feudal lord from the first period of the spread of Islam was buried under this monument, which would indicate the nearby Svatovsko cemetery, which is a continuation of the one from the Middle Ages. under the name Kaursko groblje, but he never found a complete answer to that question.
And of course there is this OOPART…and out of time artefact.This may be one of the time-parts of the ongoing Cold Temporal War.
Pretty much the same in construction and geometry?
Isn’t it?
I’m talking about a pyramid with a ball or hemisphere on top.
The ball is somehow stuffed on a pyramid, that is or, it is like the pyramid enters or penetrates the ball on the top.
Isn’t it that so?Am i wrong?
I will allow myself here and now if i may my humble and little speculation.
Perhaps a hemisphere or sphere also existed or was attached to the top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
Not a pyramidal crystal, not a pyramidal stone shackled with gold and not a pyramidal shape of pure gold, but a hemisphere or a sphere, that is, but a ball crystal , or shackled with gold, or both…etc.