Optogenetics and Ivermectin - Have we been duped AGAIN? Any chemists out there?

I am having trouble stumbling through this X post. I have previously seen a video from Dr. Yeadon saying that Ivermectin was bad for us. And from reading this X post, it seems that Ivermectin / Avermectin (active ingredients in Raid Bug Spray) and may be responsible in part for population reduction. I took Ivermectin a year or so ago, and broke out in rashes so I don’t use it.
Any thoughts?

  1. Neuromodulation Using Optogenetics and Related Technologies includes using Ivermectin, LEDs, and DREADDS.


I remember reading some substack articles on this when it came out.
If I remember correctly they said that the Ivermectin does help against Covid.
The problem was that the doses needed to cure Covid would also make you sterile.
So they said it would “solve the population problem either way”.
At least thats what I took from it.
Maybe theres more science behind it now that says more?

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More FUD. The dose needed to cure covid is 0.4-0.6 mg/kg body weight. The dose for cancer is 2.0-2.4 mg/kg body weight.

They knew Ivermectin worked in 2015/16 based on their work with SARS-CoV-1 (or just SARS-CoV). DARPA notified the CDC in early 2020 that (paraphrasing a bit here but) “We got you covered. We looked into this 5 years ago. Lots of stuff works including HCQ but your GOTO drug is going to be Ivermectin because it works at all stages of the illness”.


I also read that the recommended dosage here in the USSA is way too high, causing additional side effects (depopulation, maybe) based on what had been used in third world countries.

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