Originally published at: OTRAG AND THE ELON MUSK OF THE 1970s
I knew when I opened the email from M.D. with the header “Founder of OTRAG the Elon Musk of the 70s” that I’d be blogging about this article, with our deep thanks to M.D. for spotting it and sharing it. The article adds much to the story of OTRAG, the firm Orbital Transport Raketen Aktiengesellschaft,…
Your mention of Lutz Kayser and Eugen Sanger doing space shuttle designs makes me think of the time as a boy that I met Americas Space Ambassador and early Cryptozoologyst , Willy Ley and I asked him to autograph my copy of his 1958 book “Space Stations”. That was in 1961 at a lecture he gave at the Texaco Research Center in Beacon , New York. His first space oriented book was about a fellow you have mentioned named Hermann Oberth . Years later when I saw comedic actor Peter Sellers in the 1964 hit movie Dr. Strangelove, I knew both Willy Ley’s German accent and his physical looks were probably the inspiration when actor Peter Sellers devised the character during his zany apocalypse loving cinema portrayal of a former sex crazed NAZI , named Dr. Strangelove. Monogram even made plastic model kits of Willy Ley’s Space shuttles and Taxi’s and a Giant Wagon Wheel shaped Space Station was on the cover of the book he autographed for a young space wannabe like me…
I am reminded of former KGB Biezmienov lectures on YouTube, where word diversion was prominently displayed.
It is interesting that Gorbachev was dirrecting our attention towards Africa, question is away from where and what?
Before there was African-German co-op in arms experiments and races, there was Soviet-Nazi/Germany in a late 20ties and 30ties on a territory of present day Belarus.
The peculiar subject of asset confiscation arose recently between RU and USA, as a next level of war sanctions against RU.
In last couple of days Twitter/X is fueled with speculation that if Trump wins, his moves on UKR-RU debacle will be blackmailing both Germany and RU with the money. There are 300bln of Russian assets in Germany and $240bln of German ones on the Russian soil.
Is it really about the sensu stricto $, or more so, what these money are used for?
Well, let’s remember, that besides Taurus supersonic rockets , there is another country in Europe that brags about having ones, yes you guessed it - Russia.
seems like there is more to unravel
Thank you, Joseph, for your keen insight on all this!! Much appreciated!!
Anyone seen the latest footage of the Teamsters, unions teaching their members how to say in Persian " Marg bar israel " and you can’t have your "Death to Israel " without your " Marg bar AMERICA " … No jest …footage is out there, and they’re proud of it. When is a Traitor, not a Traitor ? It is a pickle and a crooked road to swallow or navigate …