Our Gilgamesh Novel (my husband and me)

I discovered that our publisher had made a cool video to advertise the book’s re-release. We had fun writing it, though we would have done some of it differently twenty-plus years on. My husband’s specialty was early Germanic and Norse stuff, but I had some background in the ancient Middle East. He gave himself a self-taught master’s degree in old Sumer before the novel was finished. There are no spaceships, the Anunaki are the Great Powers of the earth and the forces of nature, and the missing tablet about Humbaba had not been found yet. But people here may enjoy it. Warning we did take The tablet’s literally when his Mother says to Gilgamesh (in the original) “You shall take him as you would a woman.” And an editor demanded, “More SEX, I want more Sex!” So there is more in there than we originally wanted (though they were sexy people). Anyway, the book does come in e-book form as well as hardcover. People have asked about it before, so here is the video and the link to order:


Congratulations on your publication! What a great accomplishment!
I will have to add it to my “Read” list.

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Well done Melodi! I’m sure your husband would be very proud of your accomplishments.


I have ordered it, and it should be here in a few days!