Paradigm change in biology, neuroscience, psychology and evolution

Where Minds Come From: the scaling of collective intelligence, and what it means for AI and you


This is dude is awesome. Already becoming a legend.

It’s fascinating to see scientists discovering fractal intelligence, and he’s definitely right about the kinds of questions that are going to come up as humans continue tinkering with biology and technology.

The kinds of questions he points out are: What is a human? What are our ethical responsibilities toward things that are not naturally born humans? The inevitable extension of these sorts of questions will be: What legal rights (if any) do robots, biological-technological hybrids, and AI have, and what responsibilities do humans have toward them? Are these novel creations conscious? What is consciousness?

Personally, I think the last people we should entrust the answers to are scientists or anyone who has a purely Cartesian, mechanistic worldview . . .

I’m convinced the elite’s fascination sacrifice and cannibalism is rooted in an understanding of recursion as a source of “Kundalini”

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He knows what he’s talking about.

Before bioelectric code the only possible avenue of doing any of the above was through mRNA (Hence the rollout of the quaccine)

Interesting conclusion, “it is still unclear how an individual cell translates a given Vm into a fate decision”…

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That is the problem we have thus far. This field suffers from centuries of supression and quackery.

With mRNA and transcription factors we know more but:

  1. you cant get a molecular payload to traverse through an entire organ. Messenger RNA is worse, it hits the first line of cells only

  2. metabolism and dynamics are usually abstracted out from the model

  3. lack of safety data (although that changed when they rolled out the quaccines).

So bioelectricity will become the future of medicine.

That sort of quackery is why the field gets such a bad rep.

Perhaps the bioelectic phenomenon plays a role in Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT ) to treat psychiatric disorders. A cousin started the treatment about two months ago for severe depression. She and those around her claim a significant improvement in her actions and demeanor.

That has been a dodgy practice in the past but is now a lot better understood. Its very unfortunate this is only happening today.
This too is showing promise but the state of the art is still very primitive and nascent:

mRNA can’t even tackle solid tumors. I suspect the quaccines were used to bailout the tech using public money and public monitoring data. But it wont deliver like bioelectric signaling imo.

Doing the Frankenstein dance around the topological metaphor.
A “real” scientist; where experimenting with human cells, knows no limits.
But to achieve highly moral behaviors in future relationship protocols;
no experiment is immoral - absolutely - everything goes.
This is all about beings - nowhere near[s] you - on the tree of life.

The high moral behavior?
“Your a being; so I HAVE TO treat you well.”

Video does a good job of showing where “they’re” at; and where they want to go:
To extract the topological metaphor onto a lab slide;
to study under an electron microscope,
and tear that sucker apart…
using any tool your imaginations can conjure up.


I always read comments from you, Robert, and wish you were a neighbor.

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