Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony

Considering who the paying master was, that alone was cause for caution. I feel somehow the artists yesterday as today seem very up on occult knowledge and the symbols used. I like to think many tried to put as much in their paintings as they could get away with. A lot of it turns back to intent and integrity.

As much as some Christians are insulted by the opening ceremony, in my understanding the whole olympics affair was always a Bacchanalia festivity.

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When one says “Christian” today, what content does it still have? There are so many versions. I consider “fortune telling” part of a lost art as in astrology, astro-theology. Why do dark forces use nothing but…, and tell you you can’t. That said, dabling in many things need knowledge and skill not jumping in the water in the hopes to float, especially pertaining things with consiousness!

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Did anyone notice that part of the performance contained a ritual mockery of people dying while clutching their chest – as in myocarditis?

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Add to all the above another, in a continuing list of an anti-globalist Olympics.

The point being, that this Olympics has a globalist agenda; and many Nation States, are anti-globalists.
Plus, many are not anti-Christian[as many see the symbolism, of some of the opening ceremonies]

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This site has now ‘arrived’ I think. It’s become notable enough the paid globalist shills and bots have finally come on-board. Just started seeing them in the past few days. Probably a badge of honor really. A kind of social accomplishment for discriminating thought - to become a target.

How long before the bots become so prevalent our disgust stops us from clicking the hyperlink to come here? Hope there will be a Giza 2.0 if that happens.

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With some Marquee de Sade mixed into it.
He was born in Paris.

The whole Occult symbolism of the Paris Olympics…Matt Ehret on the Highwire gives an in depth perspective on just what happened and the historical connections to various aspects of the symbolism on display in the Opening ceremony. And, no I’m not endorsing everything he says, though I do think he touches on some very important aspects, such as the ‘Jacobin Hat’ that is the premier symbol of these Olympics. Read whatever you like into the whole Last Supper controversy, for me the ceremony was just so in-your-face woke -‘Let’s all just get naked’ - and I have to question the rationale behind so much of the ceremony. The fact that apologies are coming thick and fast from the organizers, and the take down of videos of the ceremony does suggest they knew exactly what they were presenting, so the question of why they chose to go so ‘woke’ is a big one IMO.

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I do not know if this already has been around here…could it be ? Just follow the pics:

My Romanian (my assumption… it isn’t Russian because not Cyrillic enough фисвуапршолдьтщз) isn’t that good…

It is czech (my language), but it is more about the pictures. Is there a knight slaying dragon ? Some message ?

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THANKS. Now I have a basis for Czech…

I agree with your conclusion… And which dragon could that actually be?

… and add this info into the mix. It’s much, much worse (and later) than you think.


Hard to go any lower?
But the devil of it is…
"They have…
their pit is bottomless.

I do not think they ever mention a name, but it seems to be pretty wide-spread:

I believe the dark magic of their needs our attention…the more, the better. And there is a suggested way we should deal with it:

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I think many Westeners lost the plot by embracing “child sacrifice” they did not recognized as such. Over the years its getting worse by carving them up for socalled medical practices, pharma foods and sex-changes. If anything our society doesn’t protect its own young we are devouring them. The video from secret sun institute can project that the ritual failed, and maybe to a certain extend that is so, but many normies are vast asleep and still enabling much of it. We will have to wait and see if the minority opposing are enough because they are also out there.

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