Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony

I just tried to watch the opening ceremony with my kids. OMG! How did things get so bad? I couldn’t show it to my kids. Bedtime came early for them. Unbelievable LGBTQ crap, pardon my French. The show gave me a bad headache


Yeah they have become Lady Gaga shows, lots of globo homo stuff and occultism for sure.


I have seen only pictures, and not only was THAT nauseating, but some people are comparing aspects of it to a ritual mockery of DaVinci’s painting of the last supper, as a mockery of Christianity’s central ritual.


It felt like a satanic ritual. I think it was something like that. Ugly stuff.


It is rather shocking from the few photo’s i saw the lack of creativity, skill and art. All they seem to want to do is mock and shock people.

The whole day I have this song in my head. I believe they performed this on the openingsceremony in Barcelona 1992. Different times.


End of July is never a good time because the French have summer holidays. And most French stay in France and go camping in France.
The saturdays in July are called ‘black saturday’.
For that reason the Dutch take the German roads to go south. From Belgium on you will get stuck if we take the French route.


And compare them they should.

And now; sport.

“It is important that everyone feels included”
Thomas Jolly, Director of the opening and closing ceremonies

Here I feel it is important to include the children.

…That might be trafficked?

Some logical thinking on their methods of legalizing pedophelia.

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After 1 day of backlash all over social media they have decided to try stop it by taking down all of their own uploaded media.

A logical progression, right?

“Highlights” of Baal worship at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, England.

Have you not learned ? How did you ever end up at Giza death star in the first place ?" Panem et circenses " The arena , the old greeks and rome Its all about symbolism talking the olympics .Just to let your kids even watch the opening ceremony , is a act of “child neglect " Greta would call you out and shout “how dare you” . I would have had better things to do with the kids instead of watching the saucy opening, spiced with ritualistic symbolism and programing . Its like watching disney . Glad to hear that it gave you a headache .There should be a banner before the program get airedeven that says” not for the faint of hearts , as watching this crap will give you a headache ultimately If I were you i would sue the broadcasting company for destroying your children’s sexual health with LGBTQ crap. But lets do it step by step , and start with the parents first!

globo homo stuff ? are you sure your at the right forum ?

Is the last supper by da vinci not the same "I ask myself " Its is full of symbolism and blasphemous.

It just keeps getting worse as “they” drag the world into “their” depravity … Can’t wait to hear Chris Knowles break down of this HIDEOUS event …

Did not even know there were olympics. It is about time the Brics offer an alernative and hopefully many sports people turn to that insted of endorsing depravity!


Global homogineity.
Is that better ?

Would you elaborate? Many old arts are full of symbolism, not sure therefore if that falls simultanious with blasphemous. I suppose that would be highly connected to intent, which could be tied back to symbolism. You think Leonardo da Vinci had malicious intent whilst creating The Last Supper?

Keep asking yourself that.
I was merely pointing out that any resemblance that people might see isn’t totally baseless.

You feel better now? Mister ‘I am above it all’

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Adding a female character to the painting could be hardly looked at as playful.If they had known would it not have been considered as blasphemous ? Is fortune telling not a act of blasphemy talking christians ? did their god of the old testament not forbid any act of fortune telling? and yet it is secretly included into the painting .that is my only point !

still a weird very mindset if you ask me. homogeneity and globohomostuff , can not even grasp what that means even ? Let’s just water the garden , the grass looks like it could use a drink -as do eye ! cheers