Part 4: BRI in North America, Expanding Worldwide, More FIRES! in California, Floods, Hurricanes & More - Happy New Year 2024

Fires started ‘near Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, approx. 50 miles east of San Francisco…’

And possibly in Studio City, LA, California

The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is the new border. There’s a train, there’s a highway, there’s a gas pipeline and other projects on the way. Trump’s border wall will get built, but not along the southern U.S. border. It is being built in southern México.”


Well whadda ya know. The Road rolls on. Thank you, @sunnyboy

Why is Pelosi involved in this meeting today?

Ah, the use of optics in political propaganda…

A Review is in order here. Look how closely Biden is following this! I guess I just can’t stress this enough. Is Trump part of NWO Plan? As I’ve always said, “LEGISLATION OVERRIDES EVERYTHING!” I don’t care whose opinion you follow; the legislation tells the REAL story! Look at history; Hitler, Stalin, Pres. Lincoln, Britain, Rome…and on and on, ALL changed legislation BEFORE initiating ‘new agendas’. NO EXCEPTIONS!

“You’ll have one world government whether you like it or not”.

“The world has changed much since the 2021 Hawaii Military Land Use Master Plan was published and operational requirements for training areas, development, etc. are more important than ever.”

What’s behind a historic, unusual U.S. military cash transfer to Canadian mines ?
The Pentagon fears global unrest, a shortage of raw materials, and seeks to kickstart projects in Canada


USMCA at work. Min. 8:05 forward.

Gary’s video and copy of Agreement attached.

“And my experience is personally, what is causing these fires?-- I think a lot of them are being caused by electrical infrastructure. We’re getting tired of being burned over and over and over again. When is enough, enough?”

Sorry, @beaver, I could not disagree more with the title and premise of this video. This rant isn’t directed at you; rather it is against what seems to be blind acceptance of "The Narrative(s).

“Utilities have been tied to some of the most destructive wildfires in recent years. But in the West, what we’ve seen is that the potential for serious fire spread and destruction is greater because we’ve had, especially in California, but elsewhere as well, periods of very severe drought that scientists say pretty unequivocally have been exacerbated by climate change.”

The Smokehouse Fire, regardless of how it started, was directed, perpetuated and intensified by unnatural causes, most likely geoengineered weather and added energy.

One can still go back on Ventusky [here] and watch a coarse animation of conditions around Amarillo during the Smokehouse Fire (press the Play button and wait for it to advance to the evening of the 27th). That fire was already a blistering across several counties west-to-east, but it was that wind north-to-south wind change (wave) that put Smokehouse into record territory.

I had been watching another massive fire in Nebraska when this Panhandle fire exceeded it in size and speed. I was aghast when that wave blasted through the fire, replete with telltale signs of electromagnetic cloud manipulation.

The similarities in Texas to Lahaina are remarkable. Low humidity; dry fuel; high wind, funneled wind even; and conveniently, an evil, negligent utility company. Even the burn patterns are similar (see last image).

This article is but one of many pushing the narratives of corporate greed and climate change. Could there be corporate greed involved? Yes, it is possible. Even if it was the precise cause of the fire starting, there is once again, no mention of how it burned, other than dry conditions, high winds, climate change, blah, blah, blah.

In traditional arson investigations, remains are sifted and tested for presence of accelerants. We have been conditioned to learn and/or ignore the fact that new, invisible accelerants (technologies) exist and can accomplish so much damage; and do so from remote sources. That conditioning is nothing short of propaganda. These severe wildfires are far, far, more about how they burn than how they were started.

A million acres, in Texas, in two days, from a solitary utility pole?

Even more disheartening are the comments, which are overwhelmingly in agreement (with the article). Maybe they are spiked, but most likely, they reflect the effectiveness of such narratives.


@sharick I hear ya, but thought this important for the very similarities you give. I try to remember there could be remarks edited out of the video so I don’t take it at face value. As for the comments, I’m not surprised. Everyone will believe the narrative, until the last minute, when it’s too late.

Wonder how they got into Our Country?

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