Part 4: BRI in North America, Expanding Worldwide, More FIRES! in California, Floods, Hurricanes & More - Happy New Year 2024

Hurricanes Ike and Harvey have washed away so much sand and soil, entire areas will go under when a storm actually hits Houston/Galveston head on. By the looks of this, just south of us will do the job credibly.


Because govt. wants the cobalt mine(s)! War is coming…

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OMG. This is incredible.

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Can I even buy a car? What to know about the massive auto dealer outage?


I came across what I would normally consider a sensationally silly YT site, but when I saw the video title, I realized the author is right! Take a look! I don’t know about any earthquake, but the storms paths are pretty spot on.

With respect to weather, I keep a very close eye on it, and even now, the rain bands are moving from TX, northeastward all the way up through the eastern seaboard, along the path, or just either side of the eclipse path. High pressure ridge sitting out in GOM, pushing storms into Mexico and around to the northeast. 2nd video saying high pressure to remain over GOM through August, which keeps rains streaming along eclipse path. Sept. 10 is the height of storm season here. Additionally, the infrastructure failure due to the weather events AND the largest infrastructure bill in history being passed a couple of years ago that has yet to be truly acted upon. Why not?

It’s been all about ports and porting places, as well as food and food distribution. Trucking companies also being attacked by govt. and put out of business; every transport via land, except for railroads with westward rails. This would help to explain Berkshire purchase of BNSF in 2009 (map below). Look how few connections are east of the river. Even if parts are torn away, there’s still well enough tracks to the west. I always thought Buffett was only capitalizing on what’s to become NA BRI, and he is, but maybe there’s more to it. The BRICS/BRI was first mentioned, not announced, just mentioned publicly in about 2 sentences… in 2009. What do ‘they’ know, or what are ‘they’ about to do?

This leaves 3 possibilities:

  1. None of this is going to happen and is all a bunch of malarky. Okay…
  2. It’s going to happen and will be a part of same cluster of events, globally. Okay…
  3. It’s going to happen in US only, ‘they’ know about it, or, are going to cause it, and is the best kept secret of present day, along with JFK.

None of this is really okay. I don’t know any more than anyone else, EXCEPT, much of our infrastructure is some 80 yrs. old now and is FAILING.


NOTE WHAT THIS MAN SAYS ABOUT THE BRIDGE PILINGS GETTING ‘SCOURED’. Over 100 years of sediment and an environmental problem. My question is, if one bridge gets scoured, and water picks up speed as it progresses downriver, can more bridges be scoured out at the pilings? I would think so, but not an engineer.

How many more bridges to go?