As part of our year-end audit, we eliminated several hundred legacy paypal inactive subscriptions. You may have gotten a notice if you ever used paypal with Giza. Note: this does NOT affect your current membership if you have one. It’s only notifying you that a legacy subscription of record from the paypal days was deleted. You can always verify your membership is current by going to Account > Member Options. Members will say member, subscribers will say subscriber. Again, many of those people with old (not active) paypal subscriptions already HAVE a current membership w. their credit card (via our stripe integration) and if you saw a paypal notice, there’s nothing for you to do, since nothing has changed. If a membership is current, it’s current. There were a couple of people we hadn’t received any membership renewal fee from who we updated to subscriber.
If one is at subscriber, not member on the member options page, you can simply re-upgrade. However we don’t take paypal anymore, due to the history of problems w. that platform.
EXISTING (active) paypal memberships ARE still active. As long as the member doesn’t cancel, they’ll continue to work. We have almost 100 of those still running fine on paypal. We just don’t offer paypal for lapsed accounts or new ones. If someone let’s it go, it’s gone, and they use the method we’ve used for the last few years for any new membership upgrades, which is simply credit card, which is handled via our stripe integration.
In short, for 99.9% of members who got a paypal notice, nothing has changed, and there’s nothing to do.