Peace Plan ticking away like clockwork. Clockwork Rogue?

Peace Plan ticking away like clockwork. Clockwork Rogue? Don’t think House of Roth doesn’t benefit if Gazprom and Rosneft get a chunk of the Black Sea gas fields. Are we sure Hunter’s Blackberrys aren’t a Burisma for a Rothschild Energy?

Predicting a strategic withdrawal is like a tie at the Super Bowl or kissing your sister. Even if you predict it perfectly, not really a “win”. A tie at best. But, you have to call it as you see it. Even CNN seeing it now.


Strategic Russia withdrawal from Kherson now. Peace Deal going like clockwork

Nothing would profoundly change humanity like truthful ET disclosure. At first it may go past rather matter of factlike as we already suspected they could be real, we grew up with Santa Claus, flew to the moon, we’re told, easy to see things in a normalcy, after disclosure, for about a minute maybe two, this “extended” dawn or dawning of reality could string out a spell but there’s no escaping it. Profound unimaginable adjustment, change, upsetting of everything. Economic ruin, religious collapse, drug use, crime, mental illness, EXPLODE!!! Hate violence unfolds as monkey man takes his seat, in the cheap seats recognizing his low low status in our universe the futility of man will prevail !! Beware he’s a suicidal animal a killer he’s in a vortex taking him down he’s king of nothing captain of no ship no one’s Sensei in fact monkey man is but a gorilla again…. Embrace our fate relish in man’s ruin it’s a repeat but it got a golden globe…