Peak Prosperity on attempted assassination

Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity just released this excellent analysis of shots fired at Trump & crowd. Let me know your thoughts.



Police the brass. Police the brass from Crookā€™s roof. Police the brass from around the water tower. Police the brass from inside the buildings.
I want the forensic testing results from all the buildings on site if gun shot residue was found inside the buildings.
Acoustic evidence proves 4 guns.
We will not be silenced and go down the Sirhan Sirhan, or lone nut LHO charade.

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#Beijingyankā€¦if bolt action guns, brass wasnā€™t thrown far, likely taken by shooter to eliminate evidence. If inside, pretty easy to find and remove. Rooftop or watertower shots with a semi - brass could have been flung pretty far. Finding rounds in the grass around podium / stands would be very hard. And why would they look? Who knows how many beer can tabs are buried in that parade ground dirt over the years.

I like both Martensonā€™s and Mike Adamsā€™ audio analysis. Martenson used two different files, so data is slightly different (and maybe provides different clues).

Multiple source data compiled seem to converge on three shooters from virtually the same azimuth. Crooks on the rooftop, number 2 from a window in the building (do these even open? Most commercial bldg windows do not and are not easy to remove/replaceā€¦need to knowā€¦but Martensonā€™s upward angle theory supports this). And number 3 from rooftop of the furthest building in the cluster that Crooks shot from. All align well to mask ā€˜goodā€™ shooters among the questionably reliable shots from Crooks.

Someone made the ā€˜goā€™ decision to start the multi-shooter volley. And it happened right after the Butler PA cop chinned above the eve and surprised Crooks. So if shooter number 2 (window) was first to trigger (as Martinson suggests) there had to be an observer/listener of the police radio calls and radio communication to the shooter at the window ā€˜go, goā€™. Iā€™ve wondered if the ā€˜remoteā€™ Crooks was carrying was actually a ā€˜goā€™ signal for the others. If so, it means he knew about the others and pre-coordination (training? Arizona?) would be expected.

If Crooks was first to shoot, and the other (2?) started on hearing his shots, Martinsonā€™s analysis might need to be revisited.

Adamsā€™ analysis did not seem to identify 2 shooters in the first string. He saw a first stringā€¦pauseā€¦second string by a different rifle. The second sequence of shots also has a very regular cadence seeming to indicate a semi-auto.

And both analysts indicate there may have been a different cartridge used by one of the rifles (ex: 223/556 in the AR rifle, 308 NATO for the other shots). There are very few high accuracy semi-auto 308 rifles out there. The most common one would be a M1-A1ā€¦optics capable and certainly accurate enough in the right hands to do the intended job. The other variable that could cause the sound differences between rifles seen in the audio files would be use of a sound suppressor. These actually donā€™t make the rifle silent, just reduce amplitude enough to be safe to shoot without hearing protection. They can be shot with normal speed (supersonic) ammo, so the ā€˜crackā€™ would be heard, but the muzzle boom would be greatly reduced.


Come Monday, in front of Congress, I will be real interested in finding out how many bullet casings were policed up, where, and Secret Serviceā€™s acoustic findings.
I also want to see the forensic evidence from inside the buildings if gun shot residue was found.
Then, I want Kimberly A. Cheatleh arrested the first time she lies to Congress.

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the chris martenson sound analysis ainā€™t cutting it for me. iā€™m 90% sure 1 shooter. proof is living trump.

but yeah, even a shitty local police force could have done the shots analysis report three times by now and had a VERY clear idea of who fired from where, to where, when.

hereā€™s my best mis-info/dis-info defense of the one shooter idea.

I hate to be still focused on this event but the question is a lone nut or conspiracy led by the Trump hater money? When George Webb throws his opinion out there, I tend to listen as he has an unusual set of ā€œadvisorsā€ (people who lead him on a trail). This analysis is ballistics with on-site trajectory summaries.

No doubt about the fact that the people on the top line of the bleachers all being hit, purse flying, is NOT in line with the single shooter on the 7% sloped roof. Just for reference, handicap ramps are usually 4% and less with short distances up to 8%. Pretty dang flat in my book.


I did see a photo of an open window behind Crooks.
That building needs forensics to determine if shots came from there.
Either way, an open window is a big security no-no, and why it wasnā€™t investigated immediately and ordered to close is an inside job tell.


It was initially reported there were at least two additional ā€˜loanerā€™ LE teams augmenting the USG ones. Seems logical this would have been PA State Police for at least one of them. And other reports put local LE inside the building, perhaps looking out that window. When (if) Cheatle provides the list of all LE present on site to Congress as requested, check the list for names/organizations to see if two ā€˜otherā€™ sniper teams show up. Agree the bldg should be tested for powder residue as the slightly further distance (longer flight time) and angle coincide well with some of the sound analysis data. Who vetted those teams? Where were they from? Gunfire going off inside the bldg would be easily heard unless suppressors were used. How many people were inside that day? Were both ā€˜loanerā€™ teams inside the same bldg but only one window open? Lots of questions.

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