Petition to redress of grievances

You nailed it! After thought: Labels such as Lawyers, Doctors, and (especially) Scientists are, in many instances, pretenses/excuses to assert nonexistent superiority. We, or at least many of us, are at various times all of these, and more. It is a matter of will, focus, respect for logic, perseverance, and the ability to respect and listen and assist - without assuming/presuming adversarial stances. Fall back idiotic slogans such as a “war” on (whatever) are meaningless. (The War On Poverty, declared in 1964 was lost, apparently. Now replaced with “have nothing and be happy.”

But I digress. Your few words speak volumes. Thank you.

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I find myself referring back to this wonderful redress of grievances you listed. I am interested in as many examples possible of each grievance. This is a very powerful redress for national introspection.

(Inserting tongue in cheek). But insecticides and reptoids need representatives too. Else how to.know what to do? (Removing tongue from cheek)

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The 14th Amendment has really caused some problems - that is for those who don’t want to change the original intent of the original writers.

Due Process and all, it’s meaning and effect are like “The Process” Michael Hoffman writes about in Twilight Language

Said one word. AI changed it to another… insecticides. Bill Joy, founder of Sun Systems talked about this 30 years ago, I think, perhaps someone else… What is written gets changed along the way. In the so called present tense. It is now a fact of life. Real time word for word editing before posting is of limited value. A good way to enforce social “stay apart” - intellectually. Easier to control insectoids posing as humans and humans posing as (whatever).

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So now we know what the masks were really for, but I digress this topic is about a petition under our governing documents or the suggestion of modifications.

Let me be very clear, however, I do not support a Constitutional Convention to modify the Constitution. In this climate it would be like the 2020 election.

Absolutely. Rider bills should never have been allowed. Nor lobbyists.

End the abuse of the General Welfare and Commerce clauses. These were never intended to authorize INTERFERENCE in activities, or even regulation of activities within a State or between them

I’m glad you found the list useful. (I was offline most of Jan-Feb, and hence the lag in my reply.) There are so many examples that could be cited… I wouldn’t know where to begin and would probably never finish.

Just think of all the new rules and restrictions since early 2020 – there’s a bunch of examples right there… people stopped from going to church or peaceably gathering in public; private companies encouraged by government to censor speech; medical treatments that have been used for decades getting outlawed; people forced to stay in their homes and not work; people forced to get medical treatment or lose their jobs; on and on we could go.



Tell that to the judicial fellows as the prisoners are hauled off to jail.

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That’s the biggest problem… If courts and police don’t follow the law, it doesn’t really matter what the law is.

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In looking back over this thread and all the comments posted on it since it began, I think it’s safe to conclude that this topic is on everyone’s minds in some form or fashion, and that the level of fedupness has reached new highs…


That’s been my point with my “Bill of Afterthoughts” quips all along. It becomes even clearer when one reads the Anti-Federalists (particularly Gerry, Henry, and Clinton) that their view was that the Federalists really did NOT want to talk about those things until they were forced to do so to obtain ratification. Their warnings that it was designed to create oligarchy, plutocracy, and empire fell on deaf ears, even after Hamilton basically confirmed that view in his own addresses.

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The States Represenatives don’t follow the Law either! Just took a brief overview class on “Structure of School Government” through the Center for Self Government. One problem of many is these Legislators have been violating the spirit of the Constitution as well as the WA State Constitution progressively since the end of WW2. In essence, WE THE PEOPLE have delegated the authority to these people in trust and good faith to uphold the fundamental principles of the Constitution. The “Responsible Parents” of the Constitution have been MIA for a very long time! The Represenatives entrusted to uphold the freedoms and civil liberties of “We the People” have become delinquent in their duties. Instead they have abused and squandered their positions of authority given to them in a most unfashionable display obnoxious buffoonery that rivals that of the early courts of England 1775. Parent in Washington State are no longer considered the primary stakeholders of their children’s education according to state legislative edicts. They have all but reduced the parent and sovereign individual to that of a “Subject” or in military jargon “Wet Wear” in their upside down perspective of Government Structure.

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I am in agreement with you on this FACT. This applies to Governor Mandates which are in direct violation of the Constitution! It is the very document of which validates the position of power granted to that “Delegated REP.”!