The referendum, forced on Ireland, by the woke chattering globalist class (politicians and NGOs) to remove the status of family in society, protecting the “mother role” economically and the sneakily attempted a slight of hand to alter the constitutional onus to provide for caregiving in the home (think disability supports), has been lost. The wokery of this class across Irish education, media and government by leveraging and manipulating an innate communal caring culture of Irish society over the last 20 years or so, has perhaps come to the red line in the ill-thought out and radical attempted change of the status of family, motherhood, caregiving and allowing a woman to be a mother with her children during the formative years of their lives and to not be penalised as a result. We may have found our red lines and voices once at last. Big shock for the government of Ireland, globalists, NGOS and more importantly to its governmental masters in Brussels. There are some 39,000 NGOs of one sort or another. The National Women’s Council, being one, supported a Yes vote but are majority funded by the Government. It is how the government avoids constitutional breaches of constitutional media and documentation to put balanced counter arguments prior to the referendum.
Problem is they ask it in due time again and again and again untill YES.