Pontius Pilate in the White House: The US, the Ukraine, China, Russia and

Pontius Pilate in the White House: The US, the Ukraine, China, Russia and Russian Orthodox Prophecies | The Vineyard of the Saker

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If you’ve studied the matter you find that Pontius Pilate was a very smart man, an engineer and many other talents. I have to wonder if he’s the villain that so many purport. Rome sent him to Judea because he kept proposing upgrades to Rome and Senate didn’t want to go along. Soon Pilate became an irritant to them, thus, “Let’s send him to Judea”. What a complete insult.

Biden is certainly no Pontius Pilate!

Here’s Jesus with blue eyes…

The question “Who is truth?” is the one each human has to decide on their own. Based on on the various versions of the history stories passed down to us, those deleted from the record and prophecies, we are in a quandary.