I am a little bit confused by the message from the Vatican.
In one sentence, they say,
“As a rule, the Church’s authority will no longer be engaged to officially define the supernatural nature of a phenomenon.”
And in the next sentence, they seem to decentralize the process, under the “explicit involvement” of the Inquisition.
" Another new norm involves the explicit involvement of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which must approve the local bishop’s final decision and which has the authority to intervene motu proprio at any time."
"The Dicastery’s new explicit involvement also relates to the difficulty in circumscribing phenomena, which in some cases reach national and even global dimensions, “meaning that a decision made in one Diocese has consequences also elsewhere.”
If I understand this right, they are saying, ET can pop in anytime, anywhere, unannounced and we are on our own, to deal with it.
I guess, ET is not coming over to get baptized.


Even if the neighborhood bully would show up claiming all of earth and inhabitants are his property, I would go “excuse me”? Slavory is just not my idea of life.
I also wonder if humanity has proper “dialogue” with all that is out there and goes much beyond hand waving signaling of the lowest primitive sort.
The way current humanity is fiddling with nature as magisters magius, it is a small wonder earth and life on it is still possible. Since we are still around I would say we are getting a lot of help in self correcting either by nature itself and or benevolence.
And lastly I do hone my understanding of integrity for a reason together with prayer!

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Billy Carson has some great info on his 4biddenknowledge channel!! He made an excellent film on the Black Knight Sat.!! Talking about who owns what…very interesting !


this popped onto Kerry Cassidys Telegram channel


… they may be real but they may not exist.

… also the Scholastic idea of “The Real” might be of help here.

See C.S. Peirce - A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God, Hibbert Journal, 25, 90-112, 1908.


I suppose that’s the basis of thoughts are real but they don’t exist?


We are not alone & never have been. We have to admit that we have been a “controlled species” & still are! Why would they want to keep “covering up” something that does not exist? I have found about the most “sane” person in a discussion of this sort is James Gilliland of ECETI. He has been going there for about 40 years near Mt. Adams. Interesting things going on there!!

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