You might have noticed that in recent months and years there has been a gradual “uptick” in stories related to “aliens” and “extra-terrestrials”, including this not-so-surprising announcement from the Vatican of dubiously Catholic Pope Francis (article courtesy of someone who wishes to remain completely anonymous): Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop…


Interesting end of career talk with David Adair and Dr. Sala. Particularly interesting is towards 3/4 time lines David discusses his interactions with the National Technology Transfer Center, a branch of NASA set up by President Kennedy in his moon landing project. It was moved from DC to Jesuit College by Senator Bird, the pork barrel king at the crime…consequently it has become like a step child according to David Adair blocking scientific gains in space experiments done in a zero gravity environment.


Riddle me this: if unlimited energy can be pulled out of the ether using the right technology, why would a civilization need to invest huge amounts of effort to build an energy collection device around a sun? Different energy densities for specific purposes? Frequencies? Or are there (presently unknown) limits to how much energy can be pulled from the ether without ‘killing the host’ somehow? Cosmic use-tax on some kinds of energy and not others?


They do prepare the narrative on all fronts, including a new narrative network media (as Amazing Polly would say).
Look what showed up on grifter PDB podcast. In short, legalized and punishable by law by US gov. “Un disclosure” :grin:


Nothing like a solid monopoly to stifle creativity and competition…


“The crux interpretum of this article is the possibility that scientists may have discovered some stars that show signs of being possibly surrounded by Dyson spheres.”

Where in the literature is to be found a study showing data obtained from an object surrounded by Dyson spheres? … otherwise how is a comparison possible?

What would be the conclusion reached if one denied the “crux impretum”?

Beware of the prepping of narratives that begin with specious assumptions.

… of many things it can be said X appears to show Y


Great question! Where indeed in the literature… but since when has that stopped them from prepping narratives?


Maybe this might have something to do with it (just guessing): Spin System of Physical Vacuum as a Source of Energy

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His life is such an amazing story & proves we know nothing about how this Universe operates!! Back in 1971 when he was taken to Area 51 to examine an alien engine she downloaded herself into his body & he has been carrying her around all his life. It even shows up on his medical scans!! :flushed:


WOW! excellent article. The spinning (in vacuum) yields more energy than zero point, and object may disappear momentarily. Maybe all time/dimensional portals are not natural…

And much more in the article. Thanks


a possible reason for a delay of an official disclosure is lack of agreement on the narrative and recognition that responses to disclosure could splinter views on global integration. not everyone would agree to submit to the cultural norms of a society because it created a lot of charging stations. also it is not likely that one narrative would fit a scenario of multiple ETs and diverse intentions.
what are the incentives for disclosure?


I viewed all four segments of the interview. Quite fascinating. I liked how he was involved with stock car car racing and moonshine runners. Hilarious.


Yes, it was hilarious!! :rofl:

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If a type III civilization were that advanced, would they still need to exist in the physical realm?


Excellent insights… thank you for sharing them!


… or it simply could be that the Emperor IS Naked. It could be the case that there is no-thing to disclose regarding the “thing” that always seems to be the “subject” of “disclosure” (in the sense/context in which it is usually talked about). What if it is the case that a phenomenon is in fact occurring but instead of the usual phenomenal subject of “disclosure” the “disclosure” is instead in the form of a Cosmic Compulsion (of which there are more than one).

So, consider what IF, in our case The Cosmos is attempting a back propagation of sorts, a/n [re] asserting/-ion of Reality in an attempt to offer a Cosmic corrective to the (almost at this point unsalvageable / irremediable) degraded/-ing Semeiosis in our little corner of the Cosmos.

Could it be the case that the manner in which the “disclosure” conversation is conducted is due to its being conducted from the Nominalist / Materialist corner into which the “culture” has painted itself? While Emil Foley was beating Zack Mayo into a bloody pulp Foley kept asking him THE question … When Mayo could no longer get up from the canvas he cried out, “I got nowhere else to go.” As our betters have only half an Ontology they, like Mayo, have nowhere else to go but round and round in the cut-de-sac of eternal nondisclosure.


for an issue where there is so much uncertainty, my default for myself is my gut instinct. obfuscation is the strategy, this undermines a coherent disclosure.

as is common on this planet, one life form exploits another.
the present trajectory is to keep most humans in the dark as this would be the least destructive to overall life and avoid increased aggression.

The ET presence seeks to preserve uninhibited access to resources and influence humanity to maintain biodiversity and to regenerate ecosystems. This influence is implemented through meta-consciousness and targeted individuals.

The ETs don’t really want to interact that much because that would increase our knowledge of them and their potential vulnerabilities. it is in our interest to put our collective analysis on the nature of the threat hopefully with the goal of avoiding conflict, strengthening resilience of mind, and protecting our genome.

that is what I think, but what an official announcement would be I don’t know. I do not think the government channels have enough of a handle on the facts. the power is in the corporations because they have been more diligent over the decades and claim details on crash retrieval technology and spectrum dynamics are proprietary.


Everything in the universe is probably owned (claimed) by someone. Likely the entities that control the earth are just the landlords…they have and must make payments on their mortgage to the real owners (cosmic bankers). Currency is gold bullion or loosh or? with an official cosmic exchange rate for these commodities. Simple business deal…humans/governments are just the renters here. Mundane stuff to the landlord/cosmic bankers…esoteric disclosure to us. Why wouldn’t the cosmos have been divided long ago into properties / ownership / mortgages etc? Time to make a payment? Foment a war to make some loosh. Balloon payment due/ need to refinance? Reduce population to 500M (Guidestones). In the realm of universe ownership/property rights…we are sharecroppers just waking up to the fact that we don’t own this place.


Excellent speculations! Again, thanks for sharing! This was the type of discussion I was hoping for.

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Disclosure implies revealing something hidden.
What could possibly have been hidden through out the ages that requires such secretive goings on and then an elaborate build up for its revelation? Based on the deception used in our own life time to gaslight events most everyone knows are not true, like Oswald and the magic bullet for the televised assassination of President Kennedy and other lone wolf assassinations.
One lie leads to others and sooner or later there’s a great big fat lie to hide all the deception practiced over the centuries, political, historical and scientific. Um whatever could it be?
The only one I can think of would be something to do with our metaphysical ideas about reality but not in a religious way. As Dr. Farrell has mentioned many times, they’re missing links in our physics. Some equations just don’t make sense. The religious narrative has been more than documented but not the physics.