Prognosticators and Predictions - A video of upcoming dates for your reference

I want to leave you with a video that will provide you important dates, and date ranges that are likely to be used by prognosticators and others who make predictive dates, etc. This video gives dates that range from end of Sept. to Nov. 3. (I would actually pull the start date back to August, but don’t have time to hunt down another video right now.)

It’s interesting how often these methods are referenced on this site, yet go unnoticed by many of us with regard to the original sources and people using them. It’s right before our very eyes. ALL of the videographers who give these same or similar dates and date ranges are Occultists, whether knowingly or not. I don’t care what other name they use to label themselves (incl. Christian), the dates they steal from one another, remix and throw out into their videos are originally derived by occult means, almost exclusively, Astrology.

The July 15 date stands out because the conjunction of the planets involved (Mars/Uranus) is highlighted every year. This year, the conjunction was ‘complicated’ by Algol, claimed by astrologers to be one of, if not the most ‘evil star’. Please see the video post in my thread about Trump shooting in PA. This one was literally set-up for the easy button, and was blasted out by astrologers in their 2024 forecasts as early as December of 2023.

The video below will put you to sleep quickly, but the information and dates are important. There’s a cluster of alignments set to occur concurrently, or in succession that are considered rare. I’m not sure there’s an outlier set-up of one date like July 15, but tuck the info in your pocket, watch and refer back to this video to see if there’s a match. 2025 forecasts likely to give other primo dates for video makers to steal from one another, label as their original work, and toss out here into videoland.

The myth associated with Algol is about “people or leaders losing their head.” Pam Gregory talks about how this conjunction with Algol impacts both Trump and Biden’s charts, as well as France. (Start at approximately 5:45 minutes into the video)

An “interesting coincidence” that Trump NEARLY lost his head on Saturday…

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I am familiar with Ms. Gregory. She and others have been saying the same thing for about a month now (Medusa Star). As long as people understand the origin of the date is not with some who claim to have gotten it from a data run, etc.

Agreed. Pam is a reputable astrologer who just reports the alignments, historical occurrences that have happened with past alignments, and potential events that may be associated with it. I appreciate that she is not a “fear and drama” monger, but someone who just reports the facts and potentialities. It’s refreshing.

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Although this video maker claims this video was recorded on the 10th, it appears to have been posted on the 11th of July, 48 hours prior to van Gogh incident. I noticed a blip of editing when she announces the recording date. Make of it what you will.