Publishing the Secret of the Vaxx, Dr Noack is DEAD

OK, thanks…He’s not dead. It’s horse Pucky according to mr. Magneto.

Here’s the issue I have with Cliffs assessment. He doesn’t discuss what the man in the video was conveying. He assumes that what he is explaining is a lie based upon how someone else released it. It’s the opposite of the left thinking. Like a left person sees a friend die and assumes its COVID cause his source said so. Well, he died so it must be COVID! Well, He’s Alive so it must be horse pucky! I prefer analyzing the evidence and hearing a debate before dismissing a Doctor who is putting his reputation or life on the line for speaking out.


Here is some very interesting findings a member of solari found. So before you take Mr. Magnetos word you may want to check this out. The Curious Case of Dr. Andreas Noack - EMC2 Newsletter


“Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows!”

Only after half the population drops I suppose

Latest findings by other Doctors who listened to Dr. Noack