Pushback against mandated insanity

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Senator cuts right through the obfuscations and outright lies of Moderna official.

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Discussion with Dr. Meryl Nass about the insanity of the WHO Pandemic Treaty.


Seems the hyenas are after their nemesis…She’s been on their trail a long time.


Scientists Pushback Against Climate Panic Models

This month 1,609 scientists around the world pushed back in a “World Climate Declaration” that affirmed: There is No Climate Emergency.

These are all professionals involved with climate science and not politicians or activists endeavoring to demand greater government control, with the strictest of regulations, or endorsing socialism and globalization, sanctioning societal transformations and a host of other authoritarian policies and demands.

The names, listed by country, alphabetized, begin on page 6, with Argentina, and end on page 53 with Vietnam. The total number of countries represented is 60 which includes 321 Americans and 122 Canadians, all in climate fields. In summation, these scientists contend:

  • Climate science should be less political while energy and economic policies should be based on empirical science and not partisan politics;
  • Scientists need to acknowledge that natural and cyclical factors change the climate and in no manner the exclusivity of human activity;
  • That warming began after the end of the Little Ice Age and not at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and as a result, warming should be intuitively expected;
  • Acknowledge that warming has been significantly less than models have predicted and thus recognize man is far from understanding or comprehending climate change;
  • Accept that climate models have been inadequate and incorrect and should not be used in crafting environmental or economic policy of any type;
  • Salute carbon dioxide for the good it is doing to vegetation including agriculture and not just criminalize it as has been the case;
  • To admit that there is no statistical evidence that global warming is increasing hurricanes, floods, droughts, and other natural disasters, or intensifying them.
  • To confess that mitigating or alleviating carbon dioxide is just as damaging to the earth as it is costly.
  • To disclose that there is no real climate emergency or any reason for the panic or unjustifiable fear-mongering.

In conclusion, these scientists with their considerable knowledge and experience will continue reaching a balanced, dispassionate, and competent view of climate change, and the group henceforth, “will give solicited and unsolicited advice on climate change and energy transition to governments and companies worldwide.

They sum up their “World Climate Declaration” with, “To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. Should not we free ourselves from the naive belief in immature climate models?”


Just spotted on tweeter



A new and more lethal OMICRON
variant has been detected.
It’s called
It attacks the truth and insults your

— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) August
27, 2023



Navy whistleblower, Lt.Ted Macie, goes public. Data show a substantial rise in not only myocarditis, but also in accidents, assaults, self-harm, and suicide attempts in the military:


No mention of covid.


Thanks for posting.

This thread is too long - took a long time to scroll down to this post.


It will be interesting to see what happens with Canada and the US’ attempt at getting the C19 narrative to get another round around the globe.
I see China will open up the C19 restrictions this week. I think they would be reluctant to close down again as soon as they lift those restrictions.
And I saw over 30 % of people were skeptical of the narrative that has been told and pushed, but I don’t know if that number was international or just American.
Either way I think they will have problems with people waking up if they were to attempt to fun this operation again now.
At least one can hope:)


Hi Gizas,
Pushback Volume II, beginnning August 29, 2023, begins here:


This is for the imbeciles that believe that russia is some kinf of hope against the NWO and it´s genocidal plans of total human extinction.

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I believe the recent G20 made it abundently clear of wanting a “prison” planet the God complexed can rule over.


History repeats, yes; but it repeats always in a new guise.

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One of the comments made reference to the idea that many “victims” can not fathom the concept those in “authority positions” are indeed nasty mean people masquerading behind their facade of squeaky clean niceness. I agree.


I call it pharasaical etiquette. Clinically, there is the overused term: covert (benevolent) narcissism. More simply, from Grandpa’s day: they are forked-tongue phonies.


Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why?

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Prison Planet. What a great synchronicity for you to mention this term. Yesterday i was reflecting about, what is the real endgame of those people in the real command of the whole operation of population reduction and complete enslavement?

And suddenly, the notion of the Prison Planets, of Vedic Mythology, came to my mind, entire spheres of pure suffering and torture. It´s like, the are trying to transform this planet, and it´s population, in such a hellish place. Very interesting for you to mention it.