Pushback against mandated insanity

Full report here:

Latest pushback in my email today from Dr. Mercola:


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Covid19(84) Passports Only Validate Your Submission!

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The Covid thing was simply an idea. Where do they come from and how are they manifested?
The why and who came up with the idea makes for much conjecture and could be empirically arrived at, but where the idea came from seems primary to solving the puzzle. IMO

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Judge Ralph Porzio rules against the mandate:


Oh yeah? Well I’m still not going to abide the law.

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New York City does not follows the laws of the United States.
New York City follows the mandates of the United Nations.
New York City no longer has citizens, it has globalists.


To draw an analogy based on Dr. Farrell’s “two can play the covert operations game”: I submit there’s a lesson in this story about New York City. That is, two sides can play the “I don’t care what the judge says” game, just like two sides can play the “sanctuary city” game.


The new morality, do as you will.


Military Officers pushback on Pentagon vaccine mandates:


Judicial Watch received 1,081 pages of records from (HHS) detailing internal discussions about myocarditis and the COVID vaccine. Other documents detail adverse “events for which a contributory effect of the vaccine could not be excluded.”


Research findings – vaccinated people had higher odds of experiencing symptomatic COVID-19 than the unvaccinated:

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So now the lack of effectiveness is possibly caused by ‘imprinting’, but get the latest update anyway.
"Millions of people have already had three, even four shots of the original vaccines, “so there’s a potential for imprinting,” he wrote — “a preferential revving up of the immune response to whatever the person was originally exposed to.”

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America’s Frontline Doctors pushack on Novavax:

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Citizen researcher, Kelley Krohnert, pushes back:

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Anther reason to thank God when you go to bed and then when you wake up.