Pushback against mandated insanity

Probiotics pushback on cancer:

Robert W. Malone pushes back on Pandemic Amnesty:

He’s asking we be allowed to know the deceased’s vaccination status, which seems reasonable and would provide additional data about the clot shot. However was not the vaccine status of individuals a sore spot during the plandemic?

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COVID 19 State of Emergency to continue until April, 2023 – to help the insanity “transition” to the private sector:

Well yeah, that allows continuation of mail out/in/pick up/ drop off voting for election “irregularities”.


D.O.D. records reveal U.S. anthrax lab activities in the Ukraine:


Has anyone else reported on this?

Searched for that yesterday but could not find any confirmation from other sources. That doesn’t mean it did not happen tho!


Found this podcast by her…

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Found this interesting.


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New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) lawsuit pushes back on Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Google for installing Covid-19 covert spyware on a million citizens:

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Soldiers who pushed back on injection mandates are subjected to coersion, rejection, and isolation:

No man can serve two masters, give up religion (God) or get out. We have a Constitution you pledged to uphold that forbids establishing a religion or the free exercise thereof…conflicting to say the least. To accept religious exemption to the jab, would in essence establish a religious doctrine and denying one prohibits the free expression…quagmire and a conflict.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Personally I think the founding fathers took in to question what the new world inhabitants left behind them in “the old world”— Roman vs Protestant as dictated by a pope or monarch.
The idea was to not interfere with the religious ideas of the individual or state. Objection to an idea based on religious grounds does indeed use religion as the reason, however it does not establish one, and to not honor the objection does indeed interfere with the free expression thereof…Constitutional Law 101.

The issue is using religion but is not religious, the issue is about control over the minds of your direct reports.


Tom Fitton’s Weekly Update for Judicial Watch:

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Excellent video!
Hits all the key areas, and then some.
Thanks for the link!

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Always good to see you, RB. Alicia xo

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