Originally published at: PUTIN AT VALDAI

I was alerted to this speech by the usual email from a regular reader and article-submitter here, K.M., and I decided to go to the original text of the speech and not the Twitter tweet which references it. The speech was given by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin at this year’s Valdai conference, and it’s…


One wonders how much of that speech is his words versus speech writers ? One way or another the writing is really impressive. It makes the words of our “leaders” look feeble. It’s embarrassing.

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Putin is not independent leader of Russia. He has his masters and they reside in GRU building at Grizodubovoy Street 3, Moscow.
GRU is and oldest military intelligence organization with the beginnings in Napoleonic Wars.
It is an occult organization by the words none of the other but of A. Dugin.( admired by so many on this forum). Most likely GRU was brought to Russia directly with Napoleon army and represents Grand Orient du France a masonic offshoot of original Scottish rite, brought to France during their revolution. Then it had morphed from white glove Scottish Rite into a blood thirsty French Rite . Two of them occult societies and mortal enemies at the same time.
So here we go this battle between West and Russia is really between two occult bastards.
So, pick your poison, or as we say in Poland, by what disease you want to die: the plague or cholera.?

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Interesting! It seems obvious that pretty much all world leaders have puppeteers pulling their strings and I have wondered who Putin’s were and what their game was.

Do you have any information on how the GRU got to Russia with Napoleon’s army?

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We, the Normies, have no clue as to how many of our off-world “cousins” are involved in Earthly matters right now…seems a battle for Planet Earth is unfolding!


There are reports that it did happen with Napoleon army descending on Russia,
some say that this could have happened even earlier during the reign of Catherine the Great, who was a Prussian princess from Stettin present day Szczecin Poland, who brought with her besides money, a lot of Prussian militaries already well in to a GOduF to train Russian army.


I´m also trying to detect who are the masters of Mr. Putin. That story about the GRU is very interesting, never heard anyone talking this way about them, i need to check this out.

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We need to remember there is a non-human level to the Control Structure here on this planet. We really don’t know how many types of Off-World entities are involved on all the different “sides” of this situation!! :roll_eyes:

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Spiritual war…as the spirit moves you…no longer a law or rules based world…do as though will.

I follow info about the satanic occult from whistleblower Jessie Czebotar. I have wondered how Russia fits because ALL countries/cultures have presence inThe System ,The Brotherhood consisting in the West of Jesuits, Kabbalists, Freemasons, Mormons, Satanists. She was trained to be the Queen Mother of Darkness and was on a Star Wars team with Elon Musk and another child. ALL the supposed nationstate “Enemies” attended the weapons programs to bid on both children and weapons as they plan how to profit from war. She is a metaphysical warrior who chose Christ at age 3 and refused her role in the Satanic Hierarchy protected by GOD, became a Chaplin and Whistleblower. Her detailed info decoding of EVERYTHING is unique. The Russians have all the programs we have, but to me appear to beon the satanic Light side to maintain Homo sapiens sapiens and God’s natural world. The French Merovingian lines contain the vampires. Also the werewolves who actually are human protector lines that shapeshift. Vlad The Impaler and Rasputin are in these lines as well as the most famous Somerset Bellanoff from Rasputin and a Queen Victoria daughter. Both LIGHT AND DARK players belong to the Hierarchy. The Dark practice Satanic Ritual Abuse on a level unbelievable and their Light Side practitioners are the ones making compromises for Balance. The Magazine Covers at the grocery counter communicate ritual details. The Satanic Council positions are Phoenix, Priest, Pope, Pindar and a few more. There will be 4 Kings behind the next “governmental body” that takes control AFTER WWIII or The War of All Against All (Steiner). Jessie is a strict NO MAGIK AT ALL because she says there is White/Black/Grey and ALL is sorcery. Prayer and communication with God for the outcomes you want IF IT IS HIS WILL. Practicing yourself she believes will eventually exact a price because a lot of people are really communicating with demons lying to you. The System has ruled the world through Cryptocracy for thousands of years. They choose those who are gifted for positions as children and the others though they are bloodlines are Exprendables. Pedophilia has specific enormous metaphysics through it. Each child is profited from in 5 areas including their ashes. The entire Light/Dark involving all members of 100s of groups are involved. Our Militaries have been engaged in metaphysical dimensional warfare since at least Vietnam and using gifted/trained children as weapons. One reason for the high suicides in our soldiers is not only have they put adrenochrome in their food unknowingly, but Col Michael Aquino’s Military Training Manuals teach sex magik and can be bought on Amazon, the first is called Mind Wars. Say a prayer if you want to read them. I apologize if this is too long. I have waited years for sites I respect to acknowledge this issue. The “GROUP” behind the control is the satanic hierarchy of bloodlines. Their business model has been perfected.

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Thanks for sharing…there is so much we Normies are unaware of!! It behooves each of us to step into our own Personal Sovereighty as we see what is playing out right before our very eyes!!! David Icke did a great intv. with Shai Danon who is living through the horror in Israel.

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