As the reader might have guessed from the headline to today’s blog, I’m in another one of my “We told you so” moods. Remember when crypto-currencies first came out? Why, they were the best thing since deep dish pizza. Not only would they usher in a new golden age of peace and freedom, and utterly…


In addition there is this below. It’s the main switch to any electrical circuit in buildings. Some look different than others, some may be inside the building some maybe be outside the building. If there is a building with a server farm in it, that is storing all those 1 and 0’s. Simply flip the switch below, and no more access to those 1 and 0’s, not a hack, but cutting them off from there bits.

circuit breaker box with main switch identified


No electricity, no money…


Engineered and/or targeted coronal mass ejection[s]?
[CERN Inc. has been busy.]
Not to mention China’s version, Nazi international’s version,
and u-name-it’s version.
It’s digital lights-out…

Another act of God tool for compliance?
Breakaways have their needs/demands, too.


Merry Christmas Mr. Knackered Blockchain

Well there is always paper with nice pictures and numbers on it.Oh…but wait you can’t eat paper right?


The Elon recently said something to the effect of,

“money is just a device for time shifting value, it can’t do anything without goods and services to back it up. What good is a billion dollars on a desert island? You’d rather have a can of soup.”

Depends whose island you’re on I suppose :joy:


I have read that Bitcoin could be a relic of the past. The only two out of the gazillions out there right now that are considered assets are XRP (gold) and XLM (silver). If the energy problem gets solved, think Tesla, then cryptos have a different asset value (just what I read). The movie is rapidly heading into the surprise ending as far as I can tell.


XRP is centralised, not sure about XLM? Is that monero? I can’t keep up with it all and just want to go back to a time when I could get 10p in exchange for taking a bottle of RWhites lemonade back to the corner shop.


If you can’t actually hold it in your hand, it’s worthless. It could have value if hidden behind a redefined patent or copyright law…maybe?

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Well …yes, maybe. But can you hold in the palm of your hand the air we breathe, or the space we are in?


The truth is that except the dollar bill that actually has some value (varies but I think it is actually about 23cents) the rest are just IOU’s and completely worthless. I know we always talk about cash but at this point those pieces of paper don’t have much more value than the digital IOU. If I was to guess, I would think there is going to be a new system, including “new cash” around the corner. It will be precious metal based like it was at the beginning (think Hamilton).


Non tradeable items on a stock exchange.

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I still remember from childhood that in Soviet block preferable store of value was not US paper dollar but paper German mark. Reason? One of the watermarks was actually a stripe of platinum worth exactly a number on the paper. If I recall it started at 50DM and went up to the highest nominal.


Thanks for that reference. If we think of it logically, if it is an iPhone with a digital ID that can be traded for an actual fractional amount of gold or silver, or whether it is a piece of paper that would do the same, what is the problem? What exists NOW is paper you can trade for NOTHING except the full faith and credit… and if there is no longer any faith, there is no credit.

DOGE is pointing out that there is no longer any faith and surely no credit. As creditors, the American People deserve their funds that have been squandered on killing our own best young men, on yachts and mansions for criminals and the casino called Wall Street.


Conspiracy theory? Maybe. You take the chance.