Question? - Why does there not seem to be any anti-aircraft protection around Russian energy infrastructure?

Not that I think we have any protections around ours either …


The infrastructure to protect the infrastructure is not built out yet? Busy making and supplying armaments for fighting the wars?

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The US skies are a lot more crowded than Ukraine’s. There is a free tool named ADS-B Exchange you can open to visualize aircraft tracks and then consider if you want missile launchers arrayed around your local powerplants. And… if you are a ‘frequent flier’ probably doesn’t sound too appealing either.

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Rocket Scientist, David Adair, has been trying to get attention drawn to the need for EMP protection nationwide, but a certain legislator from Alaska keeps voting it down?!! :thinking:

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I guess now we know, what ultimate psych-op we going to get. Nationwide EMP and total chaos. Question is how TPTB/Deep State is prepared for that event. What kind of tech they have to override EMP?

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It called “Cancel Wave”, works on cultures…


STARCOM and their RMT tests:

Space Force tests small satellite jammer to protect against ‘space-enabled’ attacks


… well, at least it appears to be a start. :slight_smile:


Perhaps it is not the actual infrastructure upon which the Russians depend; it is bait.

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