Re: Dr. Farrell's recent vidchat reference to remote viewing and the structure of matter

In the recent vidchat, Dr. Farrell referenced Besant and Leadbeater’s remote viewing of the toroidal/torsion structure of subatomic particles as vortices in the aether or plasma. Here is a link to a paper by Drs. Neppe amd Close reviewing the topic. The original explication is in B&L’s book Occult Chemistry.

BTW, Neppe & Close have developed a remarkable “theory of everything” , which seems to have interesting parallels to Dr. Farrell’s “Metaphor” as well as to Kabbalah. It is summarized in this article:

For those not averse to video interviews, Dr. Neppe gives an overview of the Triadic Dimentional Vortical Paradigm in this segment from Jeffrey Mishlove’s series “New Thinking Allowed” [all his interviews on his channel are interesting, including many others with Neppe]:
