Originally published at: REPLACING YOU, ONE ATOM AT A TIME

Regular readers of this website, and even more so the paying members, know that I am a devotee of the works of C.S. Lewis, the famous Oxford don and Christian apologist , member of the “Inklings” with other famous (and Christian) authors, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and so on. Lewis exercised an enormous influence on…


Reminded me a little of a Graham Hancock quote.

“Whatever I am, I am not my body.”


I already have bygone friends due to “the light has dimmed” in their eyes. Totally different people after the jibijab! Energy, empathy and analogical thinking losses beyond the pale. It is scary to see bright people wither away like that.

I do find it curious that those scientismists experiment on local population and not on them selves. Production of undead worries me greatly because I don’t think that only encompasses fleshy bodies, but also without namely ghouls haunting on earth, because they can’t move on due to the thinkering done on soul & spirit!

Since humanity seems locked into spirals, one wonders if Mars has haunted places and or is a full haunted planet?


I saw the same change in old friends who were jabbed. A kind of zombie like apathy took them. Very quickly they wanted nothing to do with alternative thinkers.


This line reminded me of an idea I heard Juan O’Savin express in his tale about the airport dog that was cloned; that each of our individual genomes form a unique and specific address (think IP address for your computer device) linked to information in the ether (intelligent plasma, akashic record etc). Makes sense if that’s the mechanism that when you change the ‘address’ of your genome you lose connection to your ‘records’

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perhaps that what this article means?


All the more reason why AI would be training on actual human brain activity via some kind of neuro link technology.


I see it in searches everyday. AI generated ‘kinda correct’ hits that give dumbed down generalized summaries of topics but lack the useful detail we look for in an individual post. You can usually recognize them right away. A bit over-organized and just a little too neatly done. Unfortunately they get more of my clicks than I would prefer as they appear useful but actually aren’t.


Unfortunately, some “truths” get into the data sets; there by screwing with the official narratives.

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Is it ethically ok to rely on synthetic biology to improve health if no living creature is being exploited?

The spectrum of the interdependence of life can be slippery. One could argue that the issue begins with eating meat and extends to incorporating foreign living tissue (yuck).

Some of the popular GLP drugs ( managing glucose metabolism) are synthetic peptides which stimulate the body to increase production of hormones which treat insulin resistance and trick the brain into perceiving satiety where there is none.

I have no idea how this would affect the soul or personhood but I do know that obese and diabetic are suffering and these drugs are helping them. And the brain is affected.

what is astounding to me is that the synthetic substance starts a chain of events that improves cell mitochondrial function and encourages cardiovascular repair. Stunning results.

Effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on mitochondrial function, inflammatory markers and leukocyte-endothelium interactions in type 2 diabetes - PubMed

Liraglutide provides cardioprotection through the recovery of mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in aging hearts - PubMed

Gut brain axis:

Enteroendocrine cell regulation of the gut-brain axis - PubMed

I read a lot of these articles because I think this research and these drugs are fascinating and will help obese and otherwise sick and poisoned people. As with all drugs there will be pros and cons and my guess is the con will be the artificial stimulation in the brain “the cognitive part of the drug” but overall I think the benefit for sick obese people will be major.

God bless everyone.

More research is needed to understand the mechanism of action because the science is not sure. Many of the articles flat out say “we can describe the chain of events but we are not sure how this is working”
Except it is healing one cell at a time.


The reality behind the above “data sets”; are the poorly paid and grueling human labor - that is both trained and managed by them. And without workers training machine learning algorithms, there’d be no ChatGPT’s [aka, LLM/large language models].
From my perspective; AI is more of a marketing term/concept. an umbrella, under which different firms/businesses and very different technologies - can be grouped. Ai is an expression of the interests of the oligopolies; embedded within existing political and economic systems. When it classifies, discriminates, and makes predictions it does so in the service of those who created it.
Just like its predecessor, ‘Mechanical Turk’; sophisticated software functions through thousands upon thousands of hours of low-paid workers and menial labor-forced to work like robots.
AI is produced through the plunder of resources, human labor, and our own collective intelligence.
Ai extracts more value from labor for the benefit of employers.
The BIG AI is moving out the old platform monopolies. No worries. The major legacy platforms Big Techs are part of the new era of AI; along with AI startups and chip designers[OpenAI, Anthropic, Cohere and Nvida] and China’s Alibaba, Huawei, Tencent and Baidu. All are merging to form an all inclusive panopticon; merging as sheriffs and/or wardens. “They” want to use AI like a rope, to tie up all digital service infrastructures towards a newly formed “Enclosure” program.
In other words, rather than opening new doors; Ai closing more doors, through consolidation of wealth, and power. As the minimum investment is hundreds of millions - renting out ‘AI -as-a-service’ will become the norm.
It is; after all, a rentier economy.


I thought there were some interesting details in this video.

Not so much the first half, where a supposed “insider” speaks on Gates and his click now are going to unleash monkeypox from planes over the largest American cities, but the latter half of the clip, talking about “gene guns” that will change peoples DNA.
And I find it scary for this exact reason.
I also think it is very strange that everyones social security number got hacked just now, together with the 2nd round of WHO overreach.
I wouldn’t be surprised if TPTB would try to convince people that a “change” in peoples DNA is needed to give them a safe, new and better social security number.

And in Kentucky people are jumping out of white vans asking for your DNA sample for cash.
They say they are representing some agency, but they have come forward with a press release denying any affiliation with this operation.
Why would you give up your DNA for cash under this sketchy circumstances though?

Out of desperation. Nothing motivates people to sell themselves more effectively than addictions and the prospect of starvation.


Interesting to me because when my brother was in a coma and intubated they asked the family for our permission to take a sample of his DNA. The reason they gave was it might help with research into COVID but wouldn’t be a direct benefit to him.



Similarities between “spike protein” and synthetic anthrax toxin.
I don’t think it is “only TPTB” that want a quick buck. Praying on fear spreading like wildfire, it seems the new woke-ism!


I’ve long suspected science (honest science, not scientism), if it advanced far enough, would eventually validate principles that religions have been talking about for millennia. Of course, they’re taking the long way around Harvey’s barn . . .

It’s unfortunate that the current version of science is still hobbled by the prejudices of the particular historical context in which it emerged – that of the so-called Enlightenment in continental Western Europe. Just because science and the Vatican saw each other as a threat, science embraced a total rejection of religion. Or, rather, it replaced Western Christianity with another religion, scientism.

Personally, I don’t see any reason why science and religion have to be mutually exclusive. However, scientism and other religions might be incompatible. It will be interesting to see how science develops in the future outside the West, in places with a different set of historical baggage.


“Love is the secret of beneficial association between personalities.” A personality is not necessarily a body. Perhaps the normal state of being is spirit?

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It may be for angels and demons, but not for men. Unity of body and spirit even if non localized (Holy Spirit in each of us is probably responsible for that, I am referring to non locality) is a normal state for us. Again, just my musings in a line of from Cappadocians statement “count if you must”.
Good watch on unity of body and spirit, below


It’s amusing how the given justification for these experiments is so that “we” can beat aging.
Like they have any interest in the masses living longer !


Agreed. But they might work on it for their benefit after most of us gone.
I don’t mean to be too conspiratorial here, but the Deagel predictions have rarely been wrong, and they predict like a 40% die off in most western countries the next year.
I just remembered cause I watched this nugget from West Virginia