Replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar a Lago


I’m suspicious… the picture of Okeefe and the Arc just looks weird… it also seems that people on reddit are saying it is a movie prop or replica from Raiders of the Lost Ark. I’d want more info to make a determination.

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Tend to think it’s real or an exact copy of the real Ark currently in our possession. There is an accompanying article from 2019 about certain artifacts that Israel “gave” ( I am certain they were under total duress when they “ gave” them up” us in 2019 that the US Government is trying to get back…hahahaha good luck…

… I think the big tells might just be “replicant” and “arc”. :slight_smile:


Indeed, posting late at night is not a good idea.


Same here, I didn’t even notice the ray of sunshine beaming down on James O’Keefe… as if God himself is an OMG media sponsor.

I’ve been unwell for a while - impaired brain function :frowning:

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Wonder if it has anything to do with the proposed 3rd temple in Jerusalem.

Sorry you haven’t been feeling well, U, and we hope you’re on the way to recovery. Some people in our city are complaining about “brain fog” – makes one wonder what’s going on. We hope you’re looking after yourself with Tender Loving Care. I don’t think any of us are safe in this eerie war against living beings, even those who haven’t taken the injections. TLC is a way through this.

Thank you for posting this topic (re: Ark of C.). I don’t have any firm opinions on anything related to this topic at the moment (including artists’ conceptions of what the ark looked like) – as it has come into my radar only recently (couple of years ago) when I was trying to make sense of what is going on in our culture…

David Childress’ (fascinating!) book Ark of God put forth some different ideas and photos about this theme. Book Detail | Adventures Unlimited Press Bookstore: Books on Conspiracy, UFO's, Holy Grail, Templar Studies, Mayans, Olmecs The photo you posted looks like one of the photos in his book that he said was from the film Raiders of the Lost Ark. (After reading that book, we went to the local Ethiopian restaurant and enjoyed a vegan meal there with some friends, and were talking about Childress’ ideas about the ark in Ethiopia!)

I read a book by Laurence Gardner (The Grail Enigma) in which he offered a speculation about The Aminadab Window at St Denis (page 256) - within which he thought was depicted a cart without the ark.

I don’t know what to think, yet, U, about any of this, and so keep reading and taking in different viewpoints. It’s one thing I appreciate about the Forum – people do weigh in with different insights.


I was in bed with pneumonia for most of last month and am having to self medicate for a serious endocrine condition after I got thrown off my meds. Thankfully I managed to get some from Thailand, but getting the dose right is tricky without regular blood tests. I know something’s wrong when I start doing daft things.

Thanks for all the links, will check them out. Busy catching up on chores and sowing seeds. Had some nice days for a change, need to make the most of good weather. I appreciate the posts on here, the problem is that there are so many book recommendations - I’m running out of book shelves! Currently reading Deanna Spingola’s “The Ruling Elite” - so many things are falling into place, quite a revelation.


Hope you feel better!


Hope you are feeling better @undine . I know what it’s like with an endocrine issue and trying to get meds right ( thyroid here).


Thanks; I had a sub-total thyroidectomy due to a tumour years ago. Had 20 years of my life wasted on Levo which gave me horrendous side effects. After a battle I got my life back with natural extract. Enjoyed 6 years of being fit then it was declared dangerous and withdrawn. Still available privately at exorbitant prices which I can’t afford. Health care in the UK is abysmal, used to be so good. If it were not for my faith I’d a a nervous wreck, hope I can plod on with the Thai meds for a bit longer.

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Let’s pray that you get your Thai meds, and in the meantime that you’re able to do as best you can. The situation with the medical system in Canada is similar. One surgeon estimates that 8000 health care workers were removed in our province because they wouldn’t take the injection. So there are lineups. It must be very challenging trying to manage a health condition, with the state of the medical system as it is.

Our friends go to Hippocrates Wellness Retreat (USA) every year for six weeks, and eat sprouts there, and they both feel like a million bucks when they leave there. That place practices some ancient healing traditions, and some very sick people go there. Our friends were inspired by that place to start a sprout garden in their kitchen, and that got me going on one too!

There seems to be a somewhat similar retreat, albeit smaller scale and more focused on yoga, in Britain called The Raw Retreat. Fasting and raw foods as part of a healing regime. These places tend to be expensive, but sometimes it’s nice to go and get pampered. I did once (after a throat tumour was removed) and never regretted it. Sometimes one learns enough at a one-time retreat to explore into nooks and crannies about which one was never aware in the ancient healing arts.

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Retreats are beyond my means but I have a lot of home grown raw foods :slight_smile:

I have the meds, getting the dosage right is a bit of a challenge.


We’re really glad to hear that, U!

We’re both in the “same boat” re: no longer able to afford any kind of retreats.
Many years ago, each of us indulged in one (separately) - a “once in a lifetime” splurge, and they were life changing. One was at True North for fasting and the other at Weimar for stress management. We can’t do any of that anymore, but it was on the basis of those wonderful experiences that we each had that we recommend them to anyone who is struggling with anything (provided their families can scrounge up enough money to get a person there).

At least you have a garden, Undine! That, in itself, is like magic – a strong healing force. John has got a bunch of seeds going right now, too! I can picture you in bed, having poured over the seed catalogues, while you were recovering!

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I am very blessed and thankful. I love my garden with all the wonderful fruit trees and my rented allotment (vegetable patch). The snowdrops are out, can’t wait for the blossom - its glorious!