Reversing the Financial Coup - Catherine Austin Fitts - with a PDF


I wonder if they have a Solari circle out my way (So. Cal wine country). I’m a member over at Catherine’s site – I think there’s one in Vegas (near some of my family in Henderson), but it’s hard for me to leave my practice to travel that far. There’s a flight out of Ontario, but air travel kinda creeps me out lately, so I’m driving mostly everywhere – at least for a while. Are you in a Solari circle, bluefalken? other Gizas?

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Not officially in one, but have contacts in those kinds of circles. Would like to join an actual Solari circle, though. Unfortunately, I’m about as far as I can be from CA, though.

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DrAliciaHill, I was for a while when I was still working. I have got my house and pensions but $30/month is almost a third of my F/U money for other subscriptions.

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Thanks for sharing this.